solved Working with files in form designer?

7 years ago
93 posts
Hi! A question about form field - field type "FILE".

There is the option to add a FILE as a FIELD TYPE when you work with the form designer.
I´m workin with the module GROUPS here - "group create/group update"

I added a FILE field in the form, uploaded a file called filename.tpl and called it up in the item_detail.tpl with smarty {$item.group_file}

The file shows up in the create/update form , but it didn´t show up in the template with smarty ?

It this possible to do?

Kindest regards.
updated by @tettlingen: 06/06/18 08:36:07AM
7 years ago
10,149 posts
No - that's not possible. The "file" form designer field is for uploading files such as PDF's, text files, etc. Templates have to be parsed before they can be used, using either template function (i.e. {jrCore_include}) or the jrCore_parse_template() function.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Adding a 'File' field to a create or update form allows you upload a file the same as you would upload an image, audio or video file. Dependent upon the file type, it would then be available to view, play or download. Uploading a *.tpl file doesn't make it available to use as a skin or module template. To do that, either create the file and add its content using the ACP template editors, or upload the file directly to the server using FTP.
Hope that helps

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
93 posts
Hi. Yes.. Good to know. Thanks
