solved Box-be (mail delivery issues?)

Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Hello all,

Since we moved to Jamroom I have been finding several notices in my spam folder from Box-be.
Here's a sample:

Your message about "[LEWWWP] New Comment on "(member name)"" was waitlisted.

Please add yourself to my Guest List so your messages will be delivered to my Inbox. Use the link below.

Click here to deliver your message
Thank you,
(member's email)

- - - - -
I'm not fully understanding, nor completely comfortable with what I'm reading about Box-be online.

Two of the members for whom I keep receiving these notices HAVE been active on our site.
Others have not.

I have not yet clicked to accept any of these.

Have any of you encountered Box-be notifications before? Do you trust Box-be?

[This google search link will take you to a list of pages with info on Box-be]

Any suggestions/info welcome.

Thank you,

updated by @holly-dilatush: 02/12/17 08:59:09PM
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Never heard of them, but have seen similar. Your user has decided to put that as a firewall between anyone sending them email and you.

If you want your email to arrive in their inbox you have 2 choices:
* do what box-be says
* ask your user to give you an email address that doesn't have that firewall between you and them
