lost website login info

9 years ago
7 posts
I lost the admin login password to my website. How do I reset it?
updated by @yubeestar: 05/30/16 09:26:31AM
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Do you have the email you used to register? If so, click on the Forgot Password link and use that.
If you don't have the email you'll need to get it from the database table jr_jruser_item_key (you can likely do this via your cPanel). Order the table by the '_item_id' column then look for 'user_email' in the `key` column. Then use that email in the Forgot Password form.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
7 posts
I tried that but I still cant log in on my website
9 years ago
7 posts
How do I get to the c panel
9 years ago
7 posts
Can you reset it for me and send me the password. I assume the user name will still be admin
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Are you on our Hosting? I don't see that you are so we cannot reset it for you.
You'll need to contact your hosting provider to find out how to access your database. That is usually via cPanel, which is what most hosting providers use.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
