closed Jamroom Support - who should fix my family sedan?

10 years ago
694 posts
How far can non-coding JR admins push the patience of JR Support before we are told to pay a freelance JR developer to help build our site?

Maybe there is no need to ask. Most likely I'll be told when the time comes.

Meanwhile, there don't seem to be that many JR freelance developers in the JR net fold, and there seem to be a lot of unattended job requests pending.


Maybe there needs to be a JR certification scheme for JR developers that allows novice site owners to target jobs to developers with requisite skills at prices suitable to each job at hand.

This might also make it easier for new developers to take the plunge and set up shop as novice or professional JR developers.

i.e. I don't want to take my family sedan tyre-change to a specialist for Ferrari engine customisations.

The current set of Freelance developers at JR Net don't say much about themselves. Those profile forms aren't being used to a great extent it seems. Which doesn't suprise me as it requires some fiddling to set them up as profiles for public view :-(

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 08/04/15 07:04:41AM
10 years ago
3,603 posts
I have briefly mentioned this need over on the Ning Creators forum, because there is a whole bunch of coders there both free and for hire, concocting code hacks for ning 2.0 and 3.0 networks. I personally think that's a waste of time...patching a sinking ship, but they are really into it for some reason. Maybe just because they already know how to tweak code in ning, so no new learning curve for them? Maybe they really think Ning will be around for a long time to come. And there are some who simply enjoy playing with code and helping people.

I'm going to wait until my site goes live (likely within the next few weeks) and then I can show it proudly over on Creators. At that time I'll renew my suggestion for coders to get their chops going on JR and that there are many opportunities for them to help non-coding folks and maybe make some money too. They will of course need to get very familiar with the JR system first. Maybe that's why they are hanging back.

Then again, the more desperate ning customers become over there on ning and the more Glam-ning abandons them as they've been doing for two years now, well (frankly) the more money the coders-for-hire can make trying to help people plug the ning holes before the boat goes under altogether.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Oh trust me- you are fine....I have stretched the rubberband to the moon...and it still aint broke! :)
They do go above and beyond.

I think what they like to see is that you search for your own answers first using the forum-Udemy- and the Jamroom YouTube videos....then after that I think anything is game to them.

I know it's unspoken- but if they give you an answer/solution to your problem AND later you see someone in the forum with the same problem-share your solution with them or point them to a link- at least that my philosophy...

I feel like if I do my best to help out then they will do their best to help me...or at least it helps me to stretch the rubberband a little farther...:)

I do have shame/pride...sometimes I have to post a question that makes me cringe when I type it..

Concerning Frelancers-:) I think Jamroom staff would much prefer that you use freelancers who are familiar with Jamroom modules so they dont create problems...Those freelancers are hard to find
updated by @derrickhand300: 04/08/15 08:55:23AM