Connecting between the sign up questions and a member's profile?

ABCD in Action
6 years ago
61 posts
I'd like to be able to ask people who want to sign up for our site some questions. After they are approved for membership, I would then like the answers to those questions to automatically show up in their profile so the other members can see it. For example, we want to know what country people are from so we can help them to better connect with each other.

Is there a way to do this? or do people need to answer profile questions separately AFTER they are accepted as members?
updated by @abcd-in-action: 07/10/19 04:14:43PM
6 years ago
3,603 posts
You would create those "signup" questions in your Form Designer.
You as Admin can see the questions/responses before you approve a member. You can also set things up so the questions and responses of your choice will show publicly in the profile page after the member is active... or remain visible only to Admins.
There are various Form Designer areas on your site, but to get to that particular 'signup' Form Designer to create signup questions: I usually go to my own profile page, then click the Settings gear icon. Then I click to the Account Tab, and there's the Form Designer button on right top.
In the form designer area, note that their are two options in the top dropdown menu: User Account, and User Signup.
I think you want to edit the Signup fields page first to create those questions, so click to that.
The URL for this would be
Each question or 'field' you create for a member signup can be created using the Modify button to adjust it in many different ways. Start with that, crate a simple sign-up question for people who apply to your gender or location. Afterwards, you can learn how to make each particular question/field/response show up on the profile page to all members to see (helpful to boost social interaction), or just Admins (helpful to prevent spammers).
Read through some of this to understand better:

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 04/10/19 05:32:05PM
ABCD in Action
6 years ago
61 posts
...Afterwards, you can learn how to make each particular question/field/response show up on the profile page to all members to see (helpful to boost social interaction), or just Admins (helpful to prevent spammers).

Thank you for the beautiful explanation, Strumelia. You really should write directions for newbies/tech babies....

I've figured out how to modify the user/account & user/signup forms using Form Designer, as well as using Form designer for profile/settings and profile/create. The part I don't understand yet is the last part you mention... How to make each particular question/field/response to the fields on the user/signup (user_) on the sign-up form show up on the profile page automatically so members don't need to do it as an extra step.

It says that I can add profile_ fields on the profile/create & profile/create forms, but I still don't get how the info they fill in on the fields when they create an account (user_) show up on their profile....

Thanks to anyone who can explain how I can do this! :-)
6 years ago
3,603 posts
Ok, so now you've made your signup questions people need to answer to apply to your site. You did that in this /v=signup location I pointed out:
"....In the form designer area, note that their are two options in the top dropdown menu: User Account, and User Signup.
I think you want to edit the Signup fields page first to create those questions, so click to that.
The URL for this would be ...."

Now go to the User Account drop down choice in your form designer instead. at :
For each question you made, click its Modify button, and adjust the "Display Groups (more than one group allowed)". If you don't want it to show to regular members but only to Master Admin and/or Profile Admins (moderators), select those two categories (they'll be grey when selected) and Save your changes. If you want all members who are logged in to see it on the profile pages, select Normal Users.

Make yourself a test profile by logging OUT, go to the site pretending to be a regular person applying to the site, and fill out the questions. Log back in as Admin and look at the application to check that all is well, then approve the new 'regular' member. Make sure they are in the regular member quota. Now you have a test member you can use to log in as, to see what other regular members are seeing on your site. That's important because remember as the Admin you get to see everything... and sometimes you assume that's what everyone else is seeing too... only they're not! So, you log in as your test member to check- you can check to see if certain application questions/answers are appearing on your profile page, and if as a regular member you can see that info on other people's profiles as well. That's how you can test. Any application questions you put in to stump spammers, you should set them to "display group" only to admins and master admin. Then log in as your regular test member to make sure they are not displaying.

I suggest you create this useful member when you are logged out, from scratch. Don't simply create an extra profile while you're logged in as admin. That way you can be sure it has no associations at all with your Admin profile or account... it will be 'pure' regular member and thus more dependable when you want to see what regular members are seeing. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 04/11/19 11:38:58AM
