solved How to make small "buttons" bigger?

ABCD in Action
7 years ago
61 posts
I've noticed how nice the "buttons" (not sure what the technical name is for them) that you click on within the forum are on Jamroom... see attachments. Ours are much smaller and members don't notice them. How do I make them bigger?
updated by @abcd-in-action: 10/31/18 10:46:05PM
7 years ago
2,804 posts
You can change the size in your skins include.php file:

jrCore_register_module_feature('jrCore', 'icon_size', 'jrSage', 18);

Change the number to the size you want your buttons to be.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
ABCD in Action
7 years ago
61 posts
Hey Douglas - How do I get to the page where I make this change? I've gotten this far..... ACP>Skins

Not sure where I go from there.... I'm not techy but I can follow directions LOL
7 years ago
917 posts
You'll want to edit the include.php file of your skin.
ABCD in Action
7 years ago
61 posts
Hi Nate -

That's what Douglas said, but I don't know where to find that. Can you give me directions? I'm not techy but I can follow directions.

7 years ago
2,804 posts
You'll want to download the file using a FTP program like Filezilla

You'll find your SFTP information for your server here:

Once you've got your FTP client setup, you can download the skins/YOURSKIN/include.php file and modify it using an editor like crimson ( ) and then upload the modified file.

You may need to reset your cache: ACP > Core > System Core > Tools > Reset Caches:


Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
ABCD in Action
7 years ago
61 posts
Sorry guys you've completely lost me... which leads me to believe that I can't make the buttons bigger without someone who actually knows what they're doing (as compared to me!). Thanks anyway....
7 years ago
2,804 posts
ABCD in Action:
Sorry guys you've completely lost me... which leads me to believe that I can't make the buttons bigger without someone who actually knows what they're doing (as compared to me!). Thanks anyway....

What size would you like the buttons to be?



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
4,335 posts
You should be able to do this by editing template(s).
By default those icons are generated in the Forum modules item_index.tpl template using the smarty 'jrCore_icon' call -

{jrCore_icon icon="plus"}

It will default to the size set in the include.php file but can be overidden by adding a size variable to the call -

{jrCore_icon icon="plus" size=32}

So edit that template and search for those smarty calls and add in a size variable.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
3,605 posts
Deb, forgive me for jumping in here...
I am about as clueless as you are in most of these issues, but I was able to download and use Filezilla in order to gain FTP access to my Jamroom server so that I could pull out certain files (images, .css files etc) that I could edit on my computer and then re-upload to the server (overwriting the old version of the file).
At some point you will benefit greatly from being able to access your site on its server to edit/delete/add some file there in your site. For example the skin .css "style tab" files are only able to be edited via the ACP to a certain very limited extent. Being able to tweak a small thing like a button size or a .jpg and then put the tweaked file back again is really handy! Of course, one must be careful and making a safe copy of any file before editing it is essential, so you can put the original back on the server if you totally screw up.

Filezilla is free, and is pretty easy to use once you figure out the (surprisingly simple) initial settings to connect to a server.
Here is a screenshot of my server connection settings for my Jamroom-hosted site (with sensitive stuff blurred out) so you can see the simple "Site Manager" screen in Filezilla that you fill in order to connect to your site's server where all files are stored.

Douglas linked above to where you can find YOUR JR server settings, so you can fill the info into an FTP program like Filezilla in order to connect. Once you connect successfully, you simply save those settings and connecting to 'your site' is super fast from then on. (One thing that tripped me up at first was that the "User" filed needed to be filled in as "jamroom".. not as me. see my screenshot)
I heartily recommend giving Filezilla a try... for dummies like me I can actually make it work! ;D

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
