solved Can two users share a profile?

Deb W.
Deb W.
8 years ago
136 posts
We want to set up a profile for an organization and have two different users be able to modify it and post things through that profile. can we do that? If so, how? or is there a better way of thinking about this?
updated by @deb-w: 06/28/17 06:53:01AM
8 years ago
7,799 posts
thats the correct way to think about it. the setting is "LINK USER ACCOUNT", this is the doc you're after

Docs: "Link a user account to multiple profiles"
Deb W.
Deb W.
8 years ago
136 posts
Thank you! that worked great.
Deb W.
Deb W.
8 years ago
136 posts
Help! another related question - if I link two users to one profile and then want to unlink one of those users, how do I do that? I was "practicing" and linked two users to a profile and now I don't know how to unlink them.
8 years ago
7,799 posts
Added that info to the docs here with screenshots:

Docs: "Link a user account to multiple profiles: Unlinking a Profile"
Deb W.
Deb W.
8 years ago
136 posts
Added that info to the docs here with screenshots:

Docs: "Link a user account to multiple profiles: Unlinking a Profile"

Thank you, Michael! that worked beautifully once I knew where to look.