solved No Ning/Ningja Downloads?

8 years ago
558 posts
Just set up a new Jamroom site but cannot locate the Ning/Ningja modules I purchased in the Market Place. It was a package of several modules.

updated by @isleander: 06/04/17 09:33:32AM
8 years ago
7,793 posts
* Ning Notes
* Ning Import
* Groups
* Group Discussion
* Group Mailer
* Group Pages
* Ninja Skin

All the modules you've purchased you can see on your profile here on

The bundle is not for sale anymore as we now recommend Jamroom hosting, but you still have all the module licenses that were part of that bundle.

Actually it may still be available, here's the link to the contents:
updated by @michael: 02/26/17 07:00:01PM
8 years ago
558 posts
Yes, I can see them on the Jamroom site, but do not see them in my Market Place for installing them. These modules are the very basis of any Jamroom site I have. I do not use Jamroom Hosting, and need to be able to install them from my Market Place.
8 years ago
7,793 posts
Check that your marketplace key is installed at

If that is there and they are still not showing, send us your admin logins to support at jamroom dot net and we can take a look.
8 years ago
558 posts
OK. The correct licence code is present. When I install the Ningja skin, I am asked (from the Home page) to install The JrSiteBuilder Module for the skin to be able to work. Viz.
"The JrNinja Skin Was Created Specifically For Use With The JrSiteBuilder Module.
Please Insure That You Have The JrSiteBuilder Module Enabled".
Never had the happen previously.
I'll forward my details
8 years ago
2,803 posts
OK. The correct licence code is present. When I install the Ningja skin, I am asked (from the Home page) to install The JrSiteBuilder Module for the skin to be able to work. Viz.
"The JrNinja Skin Was Created Specifically For Use With The JrSiteBuilder Module.
Please Insure That You Have The JrSiteBuilder Module Enabled".
Never had the happen previously.
I'll forward my details

Replied to your email but will update here as well for others.

It was decided that the Ninja skin would be a Site Builder skin, if you do not want to use the Site Builder module, then you'll want to modify your skins/jrNinja/index.tpl to suit your needs or possibly consider using another skin to suit your needs.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
8 years ago
558 posts
Regretfully, those changes make using Jamroom impossible for me.
Why now make it so difficult for people who transferred from Ning to Jamroom?
It's by no means an improvement to the Ninja option, but for me a total waste of time and money, as modifying templates is way beyond my capabilities!
It's a retrograde step you've taken.
updated by @isleander: 02/27/17 05:05:27AM
8 years ago
2,803 posts
Is there a reason you can't use the Site Builder module?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
8 years ago
2,803 posts
From your image, it looks like you've activated the Site Builder module, you'll want to reset your cache ACP > System Tools > Reset Cache.

Once you've done that, the index page should change.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
8 years ago
7,793 posts
Isleander:....Regretfully, those changes make using Jamroom impossible for me.....

Why now make it so difficult for people who transferred from Ning to Jamroom?....
Prior to this structure if people coming from Ning wanted to adjust the layout of the home page in Site Builder they needed to re-build the entire page.

This new structure means the front page is already in the Site Builder system so they can just edit what is there.
It's by no means an improvement to the Ninja option, but for me a total waste of time and money, as modifying templates is way beyond my capabilities!
It's a retrograde step you've taken.
The Site Builder system is the drag-n-drop option for those that don't want to look at code.

Your frustration is coming across, sorry for your frustration. Whats not coming across is what the actual issue is.

If you could let us know what the issue is, we can help solve that.

From the title, it seams like the issue is not being able to install modules. Now it seams more like the issue is something different.
8 years ago
558 posts
My point is that the Ningja modules were ready to used without any need to fiddle about with them, whereas the other skins, whilst looking really good, need coding abilities (which I do not have).
I have added the Site Builder and managed to use this on my Mac Pro Desktop, but using the Ningja skin with Site Builder causes problems when used with iPad. Groups of tabs are hidden behind the top (nav) bar, and cannot be accessed.
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IMG_1532.png  •  592KB

8 years ago
3,603 posts
I'm confused-
I have always had the original Ningja skin, and now the new Ninja skin- but I have never used Site Builder. However, I use my own custom skin which was originally built off cloning the old Ningja skin.
Since that time I created my custom skin, I do keep updating my Ningja (and now Ninja) skin whenever JR updates come along, and I apply any of those updates I want to my custom skin (finding the updates by using the Compare tool).

But here's my confusion- can one no longer use the new Ninja skin at all while having Site Builder turned OFF?
If not, then what about new CLONED skins off the Ninja skin?- can those too not be used without having Site Builder be 'active' as well? Just trying to understand this.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
8 years ago
7,793 posts
Here's how it works now:
* Ninja is a skin created for users coming from Ning.
* Ning users are generally non-technical and don't want to look at code
* Site Builder is a system to allow non-technical users to construct pages without looking at code.

The admin users of the Ninja skin, if they wanted to change the top page, had to do that in code OR re-build the entire page in Site Builder if they wanted to use site builder. If an admin user asked "How do I move that Latest Activity box to the right". The answer was "You have to rebuild that entire page in site builder in order to be able to drag-n-drop it, or you can do it in code"

The Ninja pages are created in Site Builder by default, so the reverse is true. Now you can just activate Site Builder and drag the Latest Activity to the right. If you want to do it in code, then you'd need to build the templates.

This pattern seams to be correct against the premise: Ning users are non-technical and don't want to look at code.

@strumelia, you already have your index.tpl built in code so it doesn't effect you. you dont need to activate Site Builder.

@isleander Site Builder is for building the site. You can still view the site from your iPad.
8 years ago
7,793 posts
@isleander still dont know what the problems you're having are, just that you're having problems. If you could list the problems you're having that would help get them solved.

It looks like you have a custom skin and its header is not leaving enough space for the page body.
8 years ago
558 posts
@isleander still dont know what the problems you're having are, just that you're having problems. If you could list the problems you're having that would help get them solved.

It looks like you have a custom skin and its header is not leaving enough space for the page body.

It is the Ningja skin (with Site Builder) without any modifications, apart from replacing the default Ningja image with my own.
This only occurs on an iPad (I have not viewed it on other divides, only on my Mac Pro desktop).
8 years ago
7,793 posts
Download the 'Ninja' skin (not Ningja), activate that and see if that fixes it.
8 years ago
558 posts
Download the 'Ninja' skin (not Ningja), activate that and see if that fixes it.

Yes that is what I have, I thought it was spelt differently?
8 years ago
7,793 posts
The old version of the skin was Ningja, when JR6 was released the 'g' got dropped, so if you're still using the version with the 'g' its an old version.

Send us your login details to support at jamroom dot net and I'll login and take a look at the issue.
8 years ago
558 posts
The old version of the skin was Ningja, when JR6 was released the 'g' got dropped, so if you're still using the version with the 'g' its an old version.

Send us your login details to support at jamroom dot net and I'll login and take a look at the issue.
Login details were sent a day or two ago... it is defiantly the "Ninja" Skin.
8 years ago
7,793 posts
I'm having a hard time trying to help here. I can't see the login details in our ticket system under your name 'isleander' either in open or closed tickets or under either of the domains I know about.

We don't keep your login details on file anywhere. If you could send them again I can login to try to understand what the problem is.
8 years ago
558 posts
I'm having a hard time trying to help here. I can't see the login details in our ticket system under your name 'isleander' either in open or closed tickets or under either of the domains I know about.

We don't keep your login details on file anywhere. If you could send them again I can login to try to understand what the problem is.

OK will do now...
8 years ago
7,793 posts
Thanks. I am able to login. You're right, your skin is fully up to date with the latest version. So are all the modules.

I'm looking through the ACP now and all appears to be correct.

This skin has a fixed header and a scrolling body so if the page is long and you scroll down, the top part should slide under the 'Fixed header' section at the top. (screenshots)

Are you still seeing the error/issue? If so what is it that your expecting to see vs what you're actually seeing please.

xxxx xxx xxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx.....

x xxx xx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx...

acp-tools.jpg  •  96KB


8 years ago
558 posts

Are you still seeing the error/issue? If so what is it that your expecting to see vs what you're actually seeing please.

Yes the problem still exists. I cannot access anything at the top of any pages because even if pulled down and is momentarily visible, it jumps back behind the header, and therefore the tabs and whatever else is hidden cannot be accessed. The pages will not fully pull down to assess what is hidden.

I will add two screen shots again so you can see the problem.

One image shows the extent to which the page will pull down without being forced.
The other image shows the top being forcible pulled down before it jumps back behind the header.
Because of this, everything behind the header cannot be seen nor accessed.
IMG_1544.PNG.png  •  300KB

IMG_1545.PNG.png  •  310KB

8 years ago
3,603 posts
Yes the problem still exists. I cannot access anything at the top of any pages because even if pulled down and is momentarily visible, it jumps back behind the header, and therefore the tabs and whatever else is hidden cannot be accessed. The pages will not fully pull down to assess what is hidden.
One image shows the extent to which the page will pull down without being forced.
The other image shows the top being forcible pulled down before it jumps back behind the header.
Because of this, everything behind the header cannot be seen nor accessed.

Ah, now with the more detailed description of the problem, I realize this is the SAME issue I had a while back, only on iPads. Be sure to see the youtube video i embedded in the first post of this thread below, it shows what's happening.
we did finally fix the problem:

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
8 years ago
558 posts
Yes the problem still exists. I cannot access anything at the top of any pages because even if pulled down and is momentarily visible, it jumps back behind the header, and therefore the tabs and whatever else is hidden cannot be accessed. The pages will not fully pull down to assess what is hidden.
One image shows the extent to which the page will pull down without being forced.
The other image shows the top being forcible pulled down before it jumps back behind the header.
Because of this, everything behind the header cannot be seen nor accessed.

Ah, now with the more detailed description of the problem, I realize this is the SAME issue I had a while back, only on iPads. Be sure to see the youtube video i embedded in the first post of this thread below, it shows what's happening.
we did finally fix the problem:

Thanks Strumelia,
Yes that is exactly the problem, but I'm not seeing that template file anywhere on my site. It may have changed name?
I find it difficult to believe this simple problem appears not to be understood, since it has previously been addressed by Jamroom support.
updated by @isleander: 03/02/17 05:43:03AM
8 years ago
3,603 posts
You would need to go (via an FTP program, I use the free Filezilla FTP program) into your server (are you on JR hosting or not?) and into your active Skin's "CSS" folder. In that folder you'll likely find your table_core.css file and you pull a COPY of it onto your desktop and make the change as in the end posts of the other thread. Then you'd SAVE that .css file and load/overwrite it back to your server in the same place. --Be sure to first save a COPY of the file prior to your change, in case you screw up! (always do this)

Alexander, you can get free easy to use (I'm a non-coder and I can do it!) CSS-editing programs where you can open a css file and make the changes and save and re-upload the .css file to your server. (always save a copy of the unchanged one in case the result is no good and you have to revert back to it).

Here's a free Windows .css editor I like to use, called Notepad++ :

Here's another one I like (sorry, again for windows, I'm on windows):

These two programs are actually easy to use in a very minimal 'edit the text and save' way. If the JR team suggests a small code change, you:
1) Use a simple FTP program (i use Filezilla) to access and find the file on your server as per their instructions
2) pull a copy of the file to your desktop (and make a safety copy of it unchanged, just in case)
3) open the file in a free .css/html editing program and make the text change suggested and save.
4) re-upload the file to your server, telling it to 'overwrite' when it asks (remember you have the unchanged original copy for safekeeping on your computer)
5) clear your cache and see if the change has worked as expected. If not, put the original file back where it was originally and ask for further help.

This all sounds a bit complex but once you've done it a couple times it's not hard. You can get a free FTP program in order to access your files on your server, and you can get free css editing programs to make the simple code changes.
If you're careful and methodical, you don't have to actually 'know how to code' in order to follow directions to make these code changes. I'm not a coder but I do this all the time. ;)
All this said, maybe the JR team will respond again here with further help for you. I just wanted to run through how I've come to do these things, just in case it was helpful to you for the future.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 03/02/17 11:53:41AM
8 years ago
558 posts
You would need to go (via an FTP program, I use the free Filezilla FTP program) into your server (are you on JR hosting or not?) and into your active Skin's "CSS" folder. In that folder you'll likely find your table_core.css file and you pull a COPY of it onto your desktop and make the change as in the end posts of the other thread. Then you'd SAVE that .css file and load/overwrite it back to your server in the same place. --Be sure to first save a COPY of the file prior to your change, in case you screw up! (always do this)

Alexander, you can get free easy to use (I'm a non-coder and I can do it!) CSS-editing programs where you can open a css file and make the changes and save and re-upload the .css file to your server. (always save a copy of the unchanged one in case the result is no good and you have to revert back to it).

Thank you Strumelia
Yes I use Filezilla from time to time as I have hosting for several websites.
I'll checkout the file and see if I can sort this out as you did.
Many thanks.
8 years ago
558 posts

Unfortunately that file - table_core.css - no longer exists in the new version of the "Ninja skin", and I'm not seeing similar code in files that may have replaced it, i.e. "tablet_core.css".
So no progress so far!
updated by @isleander: 03/03/17 04:27:13AM
8 years ago
2,803 posts
Unfortunately that file - table_core.css - no longer exists in the new version of the "Ninja skin", and I'm not seeing similar code in files that may have replaced it, i.e. "tablet_core.css".
So no progress so far!

table_core.css is the same as table.css.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
8 years ago
558 posts

table_core.css is the same as table.css.

Hope this helps!

I'm seeing this code in the table.css (attached image). As this file, and therefore the code, is different to that of the previous "table_core.css", what do I have to change to get the header to the very top of the page (in order to see the whole page)? Do I need to change the "padding"?
updated by @isleander: 03/03/17 06:33:19AM
8 years ago
2,803 posts
I've got a fix for this for the next release of the Ninja skin.

I'm not at my dev computer right now, but once I get back, I'll post the code that was added to fix this,

What needs to be done is add a #wrapper ID to the tablet_core.css file with enough top padding to show the profile name box on profile pages using a tablet.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
8 years ago
558 posts
I've got a fix for this for the next release of the Ninja skin.

I'm not at my dev computer right now, but once I get back, I'll post the code that was added to fix this,

What needs to be done is add a #wrapper ID to the tablet_core.css file with enough top padding to show the profile name box on profile pages using a tablet.

Hope this helps!

OK - I await your instructions!
8 years ago
2,803 posts
In your skins/YOURSKIN/tablet_core.css file, change it from this:

/* Tablets */
@media only screen and (max-width: 1025px) {

    input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=button] {
        -webkit-appearance: none;

    .page_tab {
        font-size: 14px;

    .page_section_header {
        border-bottom: 0;
        margin-bottom: 9px;

to this:

/* Tablets */
@media only screen and (max-width: 1025px) {

    input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=button] {
        -webkit-appearance: none;

    .page_tab {
        font-size: 14px;

    .page_section_header {
        border-bottom: 0;
        margin-bottom: 9px;

    #wrapper {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        padding-top: 68px;


Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos

updated by @douglas: 03/04/17 05:17:23AM
8 years ago
3,603 posts
Alexander- there's a table.css file and a tablet_core.css file. Dougles means the tablet_core.css (tablet with a t)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
8 years ago
558 posts
Alexander- there's a table.css file and a tablet_core.css file. Dougles means the tablet_core.css (tablet with a t)

Yes - thanks Strumelia.
8 years ago
2,803 posts
Yes, thanks Strumelia! :)

I've fixed that little typo.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
8 years ago
558 posts
In your skins/YOURSKIN/tablet_core.css file, change it from this...

Hope this helps!

Yes. That did it! Thank you.
updated by @isleander: 03/04/17 07:12:31AM
8 years ago
3,603 posts
Yaaaay! :D

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015