You would need to go (via an FTP program, I use the free Filezilla FTP program) into your server (are you on JR hosting or not?) and into your active Skin's "CSS" folder. In that folder you'll likely find your table_core.css file and you pull a COPY of it onto your desktop and make the change as in the end posts of the other thread. Then you'd SAVE that .css file and load/overwrite it back to your server in the same place. --Be sure to first save a COPY of the file prior to your change, in case you screw up! (always do this)
Alexander, you can get free easy to use (I'm a non-coder and I can do it!) CSS-editing programs where you can open a css file and make the changes and save and re-upload the .css file to your server. (always save a copy of the unchanged one in case the result is no good and you have to revert back to it).
Here's a free Windows .css editor I like to use, called Notepad++ :
Here's another one I like (sorry, again for windows, I'm on windows):
These two programs are actually easy to use in a very minimal 'edit the text and save' way. If the JR team suggests a small code change, you:
1) Use a simple FTP program (i use Filezilla) to access and find the file on your server as per their instructions
2) pull a copy of the file to your desktop (and make a safety copy of it unchanged, just in case)
3) open the file in a free .css/html editing program and make the text change suggested and save.
4) re-upload the file to your server, telling it to 'overwrite' when it asks (remember you have the unchanged original copy for safekeeping on your computer)
5) clear your cache and see if the change has worked as expected. If not, put the original file back where it was originally and ask for further help.
This all sounds a bit complex but once you've done it a couple times it's not hard. You can get a free FTP program in order to access your files on your server, and you can get free css editing programs to make the simple code changes.
If you're careful and methodical, you don't have to actually 'know how to code' in order to follow directions to make these code changes. I'm not a coder but I do this all the time.

All this said, maybe the JR team will respond again here with further help for you. I just wanted to run through how I've come to do these things, just in case it was helpful to you for the future.
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 03/02/17 11:53:41AM