Recently I found a way to publish (display) "Old Ning" Signup questions on each member's public profile page, in my clone of the latest jrNinja skin:
ACP>skin settings>skin style>global config>Profile>Signup Questions
As the Help note explains, when this option is enabled then profile pages will show the Ning sign up questions.
This is something I wanted to do for a long time, but couldn't (since it would require mastering a certain amount of coding).
At present, when this is enabled, I see this:
1. The old Ning sign up questions shown in the "Account sign up form" are all shown at the top of the sidebar of every profile, regardless of whether the member joined before or after the move to JR. Is there any easy way to restrict this function to former Ning site members only, e.g. based on the registered account numbers of profiles?
2. Ideally a range of profile IDs could be defined as the full set of profiles for which the old Ning signup questions are shown. i.e. the set of profiles for which those questions were actually used when the profiles were created.
3. Even in this set defined as in (2), a further exclusion would be good: exclude from display those questions for which answers were never given. Having question titles showing with a blank space afterwards is not great.
4. In my case, most of these old Ning questions have been removed from the account signup form, but remain in the Account settings form as fields in which old profile information is still sitting. The fields are labelled as old data, and I have been asking my early joining members to make new public profiles following the standard JR procedure.
But - 99% of my early members have not made new public profiles, though Kickbox has shown that their addresses are still valid. So I still have hope for them.
5. My current thinking is that the best way to use the old public profile information would be to republish it on the profiles of early members (former N. site members), but somehow positioned at the bottom of the profile sidebar, not at the top, and clearly identified as 'early info' .
How can I control the position of this information in the sidebar?
6. If none of the above is possible (exclusion/inclusion rules for profile IDs, for empty fields, and for position in the sidebar), then the new option is still useful for me as Admin, to some extent.
7. If I can eventually control how the old signup questions and answers are displayed on profiles, then the next issue to consider will be the internal search functions.
Will it be possible to tell jrSearch module to search the information provided for each field, or all fields, in the old Ning signup data?
At present it seems that jrSearch only works with profile data, not account data (so old Ning account signup data fall into the latter category, despite being intended to be public and searchable).
That's all for now. Sorry for this long and mixed message.
PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (
updated by @researchcooperative: 05/19/17 09:39:29AM