Hello all,
Whenever we featured a discussion post or blog on our Ning site, admins would go in and insert a 35x35 'feature star' (an image of a gold star) at the top of featured posts.
[So our members are accustomed to gold star meaning 'featured']
We've had ratings enabled on our new JamRoom site, and only a scattered few members are using it. I queried our members about 'do we need / want the ratings system? What purpose does it serve'? and received minimal responses. None of those responses were strongly in favor of keeping them.
So today the idea occurred to me that maybe we could disable ratings for all except admins.
And then we could use a 5-star rating to indicate a featured post.
And could create a page that showed all featured discussions, with links.
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Has anyone else tried this above idea? It sounds much easier than:
Thoughts? Something we're not thinking of?
updated by @holly-dilatush: 03/10/17 11:25:30AM