About the Update Base URL tool (inside the Ning Import module)

9 years ago
694 posts
The only description I can find for the Update Base URL tool is:

"This function changes the base url for imported text strings that reference files in the Ning Archive. Use this tool if you have moved your imported Ning site to a new domain or a new folder."

This describes my situation, but I would be grateful for more specific information on how exactly the tool works with existing URLs that need to be updated.

My impression is that it works well when we need to replace a simple URL such as (A) with an equally simple URL that says (B):

(A) sitename.olddomain (B) sitename.newdomain

But if a URL has the following form (C), will it be changed to (D) if when we ask the tool to change (A) to (B)?

(C) sitename.olddomain/notes (D) sitename.newdomain/notes

And if a URL has the form

(E) sitename.olddomain/notes/specific-note-name

and needs to be changed to

(F) sitename.newdomain/profile-name/ningmemo/specific-note-name

can we do this by asking the tool to update from

(E) sitename.olddomain/notes/specific-note-name


(G) sitename.newdomain/profile-name/ningmemo/


Or to ask the question more simply, does the term "base URL" refer only to the URL part that ends with a domain name, or does it refer to any length of URL up to -- but not including -- the last part of the URL sequence defined by slash marks?

e.g. can


be regarded as a base URL for

sitename.domain-name/X/Y/Z ??

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)

updated by @researchcooperative: 02/20/17 08:33:48AM
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Its only the 'base domain' that gets changed, ie. the string 'http://olddomain.com' will get changed to 'http://newdomain.com' so any URL arguements after the old domain will remain unchanged.

However, before you do this, note that this only works on text strings imported from Ning in discussion posts and comments. They invariably refer to embedded images in the strings that are themselves imported to JR and are stored on your server in the /data/media/0/0/Ning_Media folder, with the original URLs already modified on import to point into this folder.
So, this Change Base URL tool just does exactly what it says it does, change 'http://olddomain.com/data/media/0/0/Ning_media/*' to 'http://newdomain.com/data/media/0/0/Ning_media/*'.
In a previous thread you were talking about lost pdf files? If those files were part of the imported archive, the chances are they have been imported and this will work, but if those files are still on another server and you run this tool to get them, the chances are all your working embedded comment images etc. will be broken.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist