Member pages on Sage skin - how to edit?

Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts
I'm developing a new JR site using Sage and I'm going to be importing our Ning site into it next week.

Two pages in the Sage skin are similar - the events page and the member page. I'll just ask about the member page here to keep things simple....

On the member page, I want to get rid of all the boxes except for the Featured and Members. I don't know how to do that. If I need to start a new page using site builder, how to create the two boxes that I want to keep?

Another issue with the member page is that it's not actually listing all our members - we created a couple fake regular members and they don't show up. Also I don't know how we "featured" the admins... it just happened...

Any thoughts or suggestions on how to proceed?
updated by @deb-w: 01/21/17 08:16:03AM
9 years ago
7,793 posts
I haven't looked at the templates in the sage skin for ages, so don't remember what the code in there is setup to do, so my thinking is about the same as where you're at at the moment in not knowing whats going on or why things are happening.

So from this point of thinking to answer the questions as to WHY its happening, the first place to look for both of us is the code on the page we want to change.

Yes you could rebuild it in site builder if that was desired, but in order to RE-build it you'd need to know what it is now, so back to where we were, looking at the code on the page.

So looking at the members.tpl page, it looks like there is a jrCore_list call thats creating the Featured section. Its trying to find any profile ids that may be set in the skins config
ACP -> SKINS -> SAGE -> GLOBAL CONFIG -> Featured Profiles

And if it doesnt find any, then just shows any 4 random profiles.

Then there is the main body of the page.

Then down the bottom there is a call to include side.tpl so that side.tpl is the stuff on the right hand side of the page.

From JR6 a lot of skins are just going to be Site Builder editable by default and not need to have to rebuild the page. May be easier to wait for that ?? or give it a go first and leave that for the backup plan.
Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts
Any ideas when JR6 is coming out?
9 years ago
2,803 posts
Deb W."]
On the member page, I want to get rid of all the boxes except for the Featured and Members. I don't know how to do that. If I need to start a new page using site builder, how to create the two boxes that I want to keep?

In your members.tpl file, find this:

<div class="col9">

and change it to this:

<div class="col12 last">

then find this code:

        <div class="col3 last">
            <div class="body_1">
                {jrCore_include template="side.tpl"}

and either delete it or comment it out.

You can do the same for the evens.tpl

Deb W.:
Another issue with the member page is that it's not actually listing all our members - we created a couple fake regular members and they don't show up. Also I don't know how we "featured" the admins... it just happened...
Any thoughts or suggestions on how to proceed?

Make sure you have the quota ID's set in your sins config settings. ACP > Skin Settings

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
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