How can I know how many password mails were actually sent?
either of two ways:
1) go to your Mailgun site account and look at your email logs there.
or, IF you are using Jamroom Hosting:
2) look at much the same info through the JR end by going to:>your name link>your hosting>server dashboard>
domain settings>email delivery log button. Then bookmark that email log page to get to it faster later.
Thanks very much. I am in Jamroom hosting, so...
I can get to the dashboard, but see nothing about domain settings or an email delivery log button. (see attached screengrab).
However, I can search the general activity log with the search term "mailgun", and see that most addresses have been validated, and that a smaller number failed the validation and have been unsubscribed. And I know that NingImport module is doing its thing with validated addresses (sending out the new passwords), so this also gives me an answer to the question. I have checked the Queue Viewer (that is a neat thing!) and nothing is happening there, so I think the work has been done.
I have made contact again with my membership! Perhaps not effectively though, because I forgot to activate my modified template for the message that went with the new passwords (from the NingImport tool). That means everyone has seen the default JR message, which is not a disaster, but also not ideal. I will need to retry with the intended message after a cooling off period (perhaps in two weeks time).
Thanks again.
PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (