Login for members imported from Ning

9 years ago
694 posts
My important members are imported.

They might want to login. Can they do this with their old login details?

What explanation should I give them regarding login?

If they cannot see their previous profile details after login, what should I tell them?

I am hoping that mailgun will be set up soon, and I can begin communicating with my members again.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)

updated by @researchcooperative: 01/13/17 07:57:28PM
9 years ago
4,335 posts
There's a tool in the NingImport module to do this - Under the Tools tab click on the Send Passwords button. Note that it includes options to send to only MailGun or KickBox validated email addresses (V1.5.5). It'll generate a random password and email them with it.

Quote: If they cannot see their previous profile details after login, what should I tell them?
This shouldn't happen if the import was done correctly. Have you any reason to worry about this?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
3,603 posts
As Paul said, in Ning Import module look under Tools, and then click the "Send Password" button to see your options there. That tool will send a new temp password to all imported ning profiles who have NOT YET logged in on your new site. (thus you can REPEAT the sending later on and it will ONLY get sent out later on to those who still have not logged in yet).
Note that your imported ning members will NOT be able to log in using their old ning passwords (which are not included in ning archives or .csv files).

You can edit the wording of the emailed temp password notification says, to help explain to them just the way you want to say it- edit that email text in the two templates within that same module: the templates for email message and subject.

Note also that there will be 'some' members who for one reason or another cannot seem to properly log in using their temp password (maybe they don't copy/paste correctly etc). The temp PWs tend to be long strings. They may contact you if they have trouble logging in and you can go into their account and create a NEW easy temp PW for them, and save. Use a simple pw like "BobWpassword" and then send that pw to them and usually then they have no problem. Explain to them that once they log in successfully, they can change their pw again to anything they like.

You can see the list of who has not yet logged in by looking at the user account browser at yoursite.com/user/browser. You can click on the title of the "Last Login" column to sort by all the members who have not yet logged in so you can see them.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
694 posts
Thanks very much for the rays of light! That looks all good.

I will hold off actually sending out the passwords until I have understood better how to set up, manage and explain the profile editing system to members (I am trying to investigate this with another thread)

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)
9 years ago
694 posts
I am still trying to grasp what Michael has repeatedly told me and others:

To quote:

The Form Designer gets stuff into the datastore.
{jrCore_list} gets stuff out of the datastore.

You can add extra fields to any form using the Form Designer, but the input values of those will only be shown on the screen if you output them somewhere. "

This explanation does not go quite far enough. In JR "output" can mean (1) output to a page seen only by a logged-in user, looking at their own account and profile settings, and (2) output to a page seen by all visitors to a public site. These different kinds of output are controlled in very different ways. Form designer only helps us with output (display) to the user pages for account and profile settings.

"DISPLAY" in Form Designer
In Form Designer, Admin can go to a single field, and tell the profile settings form to "display" this field to certain users/user groups/quotas. Only these users will see this field when they are looking at their profile settings.

"PUBLICATION" on a page visible to the Internet public.
For profile data, this means display in a public sidebar under the profile image (in the usual post-Ning setup). We can do something about this at the Skin level, usng this template page:

http://[yoursite]/core/template_modify/skin=[your skin]/template=profile_sidebar.tpl

I have done a test there, changing the output a little, saving the change, making the new .tpl file active, resetting caches, etc., and now the public view of my profile sidebar has changed.

Note: I think JR has been lacking a common-language term to distinguish between "Display in a settings page controlled by Form Designer" and "Publication on a page visible to all visitors from the general public". Both of these goals are covered by the generic term "Output" but require very different methods to achieve.
My dream is to have tools for Publication that reduce the need for working directly in templates -- without taking away the freedom that developers enjoy with them -- allowing non-coding Administrators to manage member data and other content more quickly and intuitively.
JR has made huge progress in this direction in the last two years, with Site Builder, and in many other ways, so I remain hopeful!
Meanwhile I am glad that I have discovered how to publish profile data in the profile sidebar.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)