I'm a happy Ning 2.0 to JamRoom 6 beta site owner.
We are using the JRdiscussion module for our main forum (rather than the JamRoom forum module).
I also paid for the marvelous transfer tool... to transfer group discussions to forums (to our JRdiscussion forum categories).
We've just gone live this week, and I have a few related questions/challenges we're running into:
On Ning, I was used to creating a group, immediately going to discussions in that group and scrolling to the bottom to select 'follow' (so that I would receive email notifications for any new discussion added.
[we had 175+ theme-based groups, with over 7000 discussions, which have now been transferred into a MUCH more user-friendly compact 24 forum categories]
1. Is there a way that master admins (at a minimum) or any quota (preferred) could be set so that a user COULD choose to follow a complete category in our JRdiscussion forum (rather than having to go through and click to follow each discussion imported into that category)? [As master admin/lead teacher/community manager on our site, I WANT to follow ALL discussions, always. Is this possible? (please say yes)

2. I notice that in groups (all of our remaining groups on our JamRoom site are private groups, not public groups) we can follow the group. I assume/hope this means I will receive notifications of any new discussion and reply comment and any comment wall comment added to any group I choose to follow.
My question is: Must I click to follow each individual discussion that was imported?
3. Is there a way to have GROUP CREATORS automatically follow private group discussions?
4. a glitch we're discovering in our JRdiscussion forums => when anyone clicks to follow an individual discussion topic, the icon turns gold for as long as that user has that discussion window open.
However, if that same user visits that discussion page again, the icon reverts to white (consistently). It does NOT remain yellow after a user leaves the page (however the user DOES still receive email notifications). This is, of course, confusing/annoying because as a user I 'know' I have followed that discussion, and if I click on the icon again to turn it yellow, instead it UNfollows! I hope this is a glitch that can be fixed (or a dumb setting error on my part, in which case I hope you can guide me as to how to fix such setting).
Thank you for anticipated answers/help,
updated by @holly-dilatush: 02/15/17 05:26:09AM