After importing, all my 7000+ Ning members are in a quota called Ning Members.
As Administrator, I can see them all in one list and check their profile information, so I know I they have all arrived. Unfortunately, they cannot see each other, unless following the link to an individual profile from a forum message, or from a list of group members.
What we need is:
(1) A member display page where a non-logged in visitor can scroll through a full list of member profiles, looking for people to contact if he or she joins the network (or after logging in, if already a member).
Ideally, on this member display page, we could also:
(2) make the profile image size smaller so that more profiles can be seen on one screen,
(3) display at least the member name and location from the signup form data,
(4) sort the full member list by alphabetical order, date of joining, or date of most recent activity,
(5) embed a search form that searches and retrieves for display all member profiles based on their full public data (profile name, profile content provided by the profile owner),
(6) Display 'featured' members chosen by a moderator or the site Admin., at the top of the page with the full list.
If a full member list page already exists, after the standard import, but is hidden, where can we find the URL for that page and use it to make a link in the main menu?
PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)
updated by @researchcooperative: 01/06/17 02:44:39PM