solved Can I move discussions from a group to my site's community forum?

Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts
Can I move discussions from a group to my site's community forum? If so, how?

updated by @deb-w: 01/22/17 12:55:28AM
9 years ago
7,799 posts
Think paul built a module for that a couple of weeks ago. Its in a private channel, I'll send you an invite.
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Hi Deb-W, Michael,

Paul did this for us during the past couple of weeks, and I can tell you it worked like a charm!

I moved over 7000 discussions from imported Ning groups to JRdiscussion forum... easily, and so much more quickly than I'd ever imagined! It was worth every penny I paid for the tool. Highly recommended!
Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts
thank you!
Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts
Think paul built a module for that a couple of weeks ago. Its in a private channel, I'll send you an invite.

I followed the directions you sent in the invite... now what do I do to actually access and use the tool?
9 years ago
7,799 posts
install it from the marketplace. do a search for "Group Discussion Transfer" module and install it.

From there I believe it puts a button on the discussions to be clicked.
Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts
that was way too easy... ;-) You're just a wealth of info and help tonight! Thank you, Michael...

I don't suppose there's a tool to transfer a forum discussion to a blog or the other way around
9 years ago
7,799 posts
no. Thats weird.
Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts

This came up because we have a lot of members that don't know the difference between the blog and the forum.... and yes, it's weird in today's world, right?
9 years ago
7,799 posts
:) I reckon, turn the blog off for users in that quota then.
Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts
good idea. thanks Michael.
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Thanks to Holly for sponsoring the initial development of this module, and to Keith Mauck for its enhancements. Looks like its going to be useful to others as well.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Can i get it as well? Do I need and invite and will it cost me anything?
This is a very useful module for forum/group heavy ex ning sites!

BTW- DebW- I had to disable Blogs for all my regular members early on because they just kept using them to start discussions and ask general site questions- seems they figured out how to easily make a blog post while still not figuring out how to make a forum post. Ridiculous situation that kept repeating I removed member blogs altogether. Go figure. lol

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
114 posts
Interesting thoughts, Strumelia... I know we've had some very good blogs added, and we're trying to get people who are good writers to post some of their stuff there. But it may be an idea to disable blogs for a while until they get into the habit of posting in the forum.... I'll need to run this idea past our stewardship team for the site.... But thankfully JR provides us with the ability to tweak this however we want to. I love that!
9 years ago
114 posts
And definitely thanks to Holly!!!
9 years ago
7,799 posts
Maybe set blogs in that post to 'admin approval' in the BLOG -> QUOTA CONFIG section. Bit more work for the admin, but it might help get the message across.
Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
83 posts
Could I have an invitation for this please. Thanks!
9 years ago
4,335 posts

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
83 posts
Got it. Thanks, Paul :)
9 years ago
249 posts
I can't find the module Group Discussion Transfer in my market place. Is that Jamroom 6 only?
I would also like to transfer my groups to forum categories :)
9 years ago
7,799 posts
Its in a private channel @elise, I've sent you an invite. We're discussing whether to release it to the main channel or not as its a specialty use case module.
9 years ago
249 posts
Thanks to Holly for sponsoring the initial development of this module, and to Keith Mauck for its enhancements. Looks like its going to be useful to others as well.

OMG I LOVE THAT MODULE! I realized that groups had introduced a lot of complexity in my site that wasn't need. Thanks to @holly-dilatush and @paul