How to change Events page on Sage skin?

Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts
We've decided to use the Sage skin for our JR site when we migrate from Ning. It's all looking really good, except for a few questions we have about making some modifications.

For example, on the Events page I set up, a nice calendar and listing of events automatically showed up with I added Events as a menu tab. However, the page also includes Featured profiles, House Radio, Who's Online, House Channel, Stats and Sponsor. We'd like to get rid of some of those boxes and modify a couple of them. But not sure how to do that without deleting the nice calendar and listing of events.

This is also true on the Videos page and the Members page...

Any suggestions how to deal with this?

PS Please remember that I am not a coder so I need directions in baby steps.
updated by @deb-w: 01/04/17 10:45:33AM
9 years ago
7,799 posts
"I want to change the code on the page, but Im not a coder" - Now you are ;)

Very first thing to try is to read this page:

Docs: "Using the Template Editor"

Then add something. Baby steps is a good idea, so just add "HI THERE!" to the template you're interested in and see if it comes out.

If it does, you know you are editing the correct template. This is something I do all the time, add some text just to make sure im in the right place.

Once you know you're in the right place you can move on to doing what you actually want to do.

Since what you're actually wanting to do is remove stuff, you probably should know about 'commenting out' stuff.

"Comment out" means to leave the code in place, but not have it actually run, eg in template files the code to comment out a section starts with {* and ends with *}. Nothing in between will show:
This WILL show
{* This wont show *}
This WILL show
{* This wont show *}
This WILL show
{* This wont show *}
This WILL show
{* This wont show *}
9 years ago
865 posts
Those blocks are most likely contained in a side.tpl or something like that and appear across many 'front end' areas of the site. If you goal is only to change the blocks in the events page, it would be easier to create a side_events.tpl and include that in the events.tpl page.

ie instead of

        <div class="col3 last">
            <div class="body_1">
                {jrCore_include template="side.tpl"}

in events.tpl have this

        <div class="col3 last">
            <div class="body_1">
                {jrCore_include template="side_events.tpl"}

Then add things to the side_events,tpl file.
Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts
Oh you funny, funny guys... actually trying to educate me on coding... good luck with that!

Seriously, thanks so much for the directions... will play with this and hopefully not mess things up too badly. If I do, expect a support ticket from me.
