solved Importing Ning 2.0 to Jamroom

9 years ago
95 posts
I have a Ning 2.0 site with about 24 Gb of disk space used (by the Ning dashboard numbers) and the backups I get thru the archiver are about 19 Gb.

Only thing above the 10000 archiver limit are pictures.

Would I basically lose the older pictures when importing to Jamroom?
updated by @k-k: 12/31/16 07:50:37PM
9 years ago
7,792 posts
I believe that you can ask ning to lift the limit so you can get all your pictures. Paul is the import specialist, he'll be along sometime soon.
9 years ago
95 posts
Thanks for the info, I will ask Ning about that.

As I understand it, the gallery info in Ning is not archived, so the pictures are not in any galleries after importing to Jamroom?

Is the picture uploader info archived? So they are attached to the user in Jamroon site? (If not, I might be better off starting without pictures :)).

Are the single picture tags archived and usable in Jamroom? I am not sure if Jamroom uses tags in similar manner as Ning, could you point me to some Jamroom site with lots of pictures to roam?
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Yes - By default Ning do limit items in the archive so you will need to ask the to take that capping off. They also limit any comments on items to the latest 200 so make sure that is lifted as well.

Ning do not include 'gallery' info in their Photo archive so upon import all photos are in a single 'Jamroom Gallery' owned by the member that uploaded them so yes, all photos are still 'owned' by the original user after import.

Ning do not archive any item tags. Jamroom has its own tagging module so after import your users would need to start again with their tagging.

Hope that helps

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
95 posts
Thanks for the info.

Most of the uploaded pictures in the site are with one user, so them being without any tags at all will result in a massive mess. They are currently in about 180 galleries spanning several years.

I need to think about this, it might be easier to upload them afterwards in the new Jamroom site rather than trying to figure out one by one what gallery they should be in.

Could you point me to a photo heavy Jamroom site to poke around, so I could get some idea how galleries and tagging work in practise? The demo sites tend not have that much content.
9 years ago
4,335 posts
One of the biggest sites we host is photo based. Its and when I last looked had about 130,000 images uploaded. You'll need to register to see more than just the front page by the look of it. The site admins are active on this forum so maybe one of those will see this and offer advice on running a big photo site.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
95 posts
Thank you, off I go to look around :).