solved private blog issue?

Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Hello again.
I hope I can explain this well (attached screenshot may help).

On Ning, many of our members used "save as draft" as a way to have 'private' blogs and recordkeeping of their English progress.

They could also choose to mark them for privacy "just me."

I did not personally have any such 'private' blogs.

However, Joanna (co-admin of our site) did have some of these blogs that she'd intended to be private. Apparently both the 'drafts' and the 'just me' blogs are imported.

When we 'go live', all blogs are imported... even those that our members have rightfully assumed were 'private'.

Has anyone else encountered this dilemma?

Any strategies to suggest to avoid upsetting our members?

[If we 'broadcast' as a pre-migration task list, that members should immediately locate and delete any of those 'private' blogs, then we invite 'curious co-members' to quickly hunt and read/copy/save others' private words.]

In hindsight, we should have warned/broadcast this BEFORE our first import, but we did not.

Ideas, anyone?

updated by @holly-dilatush: 02/16/17 11:08:12AM
9 years ago
7,794 posts
only blogs that are in the past will show. If you set a blog's publish date to next tuesday, it wont show up until next tuesday.

Perhaps set your private blogs to show up in 2050
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Have just looked at a Ning Blog archive and some blogs do have a 'publishWhen' field which is set to 'later' so I assume that is set if a user has set his blog to 'just me' or 'private'.
Unfortunately, as JR doesn't, by default, have a private blog feature, this field wasn't considered for import, and in all the imports we have done, this hasn't been an issue, until now, of course!!
What I'll do is update the NingImport module so that this field is imported, but as a custom blog field. I'll call it 'blog_publish_when' and copy whatever value is in the archive to it. Then if it is needed to disable blogs in listings, or if you want to show in in your blog create/update forms, you can create the field in Form Designer.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
7,794 posts
you could map the 'publishWhen' to the publish date and give it a date of 2036 that should have the same effect. (think its 2036 when timestamp stops working.)
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Hi again,
I've changed this to 'in progress' and am adding this sort of related question/issue here.
We have migrated.
One of our members made the (to me natural) assumption that if she posted a blog with a future publish date, that it would be private until such date.

She KNEW that the one she advance-dated was not edited... she used it as a way to jot down notes. It was full of spelling and grammar errors.

As master admin I could read her blog and wrote her a note in reply to it.

She was horrified! She did not want ANYONE seeing it until she was ready to release it.

On our Ning site, she could do that safely.

Here on our JamRoom site, no one other than Master Admins can click on the link and see it yet, BUT it was a short post and it DID appear in the latest activity stream, along with her "OMG! No one was supposed to see this yet!" panicked reply. AND the blog STILL shows on our home page blog list... misspellings and all. . . . and with a date of Nov. 20, many days away.

Questions: Is there a way that future-dated blogs can be kept HIDDEN from blog listing AND latest activity stream UNTIL the publish date?

Help appreciated (this will be an issue that monopolizes as more of our members get back into 'routines' they followed on our Ning site).

Thank you,
9 years ago
7,794 posts
Blog posts set to a future date are not shown in lists.

If the link to that post was posted somewhere, the visitor would see "404 Not Found"

Admin will always be able to see everything on their site.

If "Show on Timeline" is checked when the blog is created that WILL show on the users timeline, the link will link nowhere.
9 years ago
88 posts
Now I have a question.

I set up my blog post on Nov. 30. It's not visible now, even for me (the creator of the blog post).

When I know the link, I can find it / open it / update it. But, how can I find it when I forget the link?
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Yep - Its a bug. Fixing it up now.
Thanks Joanna

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
