solved header issues: inserted logo is 'squished'

Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
this post is expresses a challenge similar to ours:

but Joanna and I are stumped at how to fix our header logo...

it's 'squished'... my profile image here is our LEWWWP logo (it's roundish) but when we insert it into the header it's squished and unattractive.

Please, can someone guide us as to how to get our logo to look nice in the header? and if possible, to place the logo twice... on the left and on the right...
"in the loop with LEWWWP" is our motto... and we like the idea of looping back and forth in the header by using the logo twice...

Any guidance on either of these?
Thank you,
Holly & Joanna

updated by @holly-dilatush: 12/31/16 05:37:20PM
9 years ago
3,605 posts
You've got a roundish logo you are trying to fit into a long narrow rectangular header space. So, either you need to make the logo smaller altogether, or the header taller. If you do neither it'll be squished to fit in. Notice how vertically short the "JAMROOM" logo is in the header on this very page, for example. It fits and is readable.
Go to your active custom skin, to the STYLE TAB, then the Advanced TAB...and select the header.css from the drop down menu to play with the height of the header background.
Not sure about how to put a second logo on the right.
Check over the other tabs for header.css as well, like font, padding, etc... all in under the Style tab. That's where you can change the font caps/size/hover etc for the main header links menu, too.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 09/26/16 05:40:17PM
9 years ago
109 posts
In addition to what Strumelia mentioned, I also found a line in the NingJa skin's header.tpl template where the dimensions of the logo are determined. I played with those to stop my own logo from appearing distorted. It looks like this:

{jrCore_image image="logo.png" width=238 height=60 alt=$_conf.jrCore_system_name custom="logo"}

The 238 and 60 are my numbers. Yours will be different. I'll be interested to learn if there's another way.

I don't know anything about putting a logo on the right. I imagine it would require writing some new code in header.tpl
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
I sure hope these helpful-sounding notes enable Joanna to fix up our header.
Thank you @strumelia, @lesrinchen, for these tips.
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Don't forget to check the results on a phone and tablet. Your mobile header might be different and you wouldn't want to 'force' large logo dimensions on a phone.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
I'm awed. On the eve of a huge JamRoom 6 launch, after working as hard as all of you have been working, you posted this beautiful tutorial that will make Joanna very happy in a few hours when she wakes up.

I hope this helps MANY JamRoom users.

This is above and beyond service, and SO appreciated.

With sincere gratitude,
9 years ago
3,605 posts
The Jamroom Developers/Support Team is the best in the entire world, no contest.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
109 posts
I agree. Jamroom support is truly THE BEST!
