solved imported profile info

Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Hello again,
I hope this is an easy one to answer.
I've just been toying with the
(our site)/user/signup
and liking the results!

But... when you visit the profile pages of all of our members, their imported profile info (some of which was 'private', not displayed/shared on Ning) shows on profile pages.

How do we erase all that data?

Apologies if this is answered somewhere that I'm just not seeing,
updated by @holly-dilatush: 12/25/16 09:51:49PM
9 years ago
3,605 posts
1) go to your OWN profile page as admin.
2) click on the gear icon to EDIT your account settings
3) click to the ACCOUNT TAB
4) click the button for FORM DESIGNER

5)each item there can be either DELETED altogether, or Modified.
If you choose to Modify it, you can make it visible to only admins, to all members, to particular quotas, or hide it for a while from everyone.

When you Modify one of those items showing profile data, note at bottom you can 'require' the member to respond to that item, and you can make it Active or not.
But also , note the "Display Groups" menu there- you can check (make grey/selected) all the quotas you want that data to be visible to on the profile page. This is how you can add an anti-spam signup question that a new applicant will have to answer, and only Admins will see the question and the answer in the member's profile settings, or on their profile page. You can also for example set the Display to setting quotas to "Normal Users" for example on the Location item- thus everyone will see the member's location on their profile page.
Once you get a handle on this Form Designer that you can access from your OWN master admin profile page, you'll see how from there it applies to all members on your site and signups etc. It's very powerful and you can customize it ennnndlessly. :) Hope this is not too confusing.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
a bit confusing, but got me in the right direction.

I've made several edits and you solved my 'didn't get it' issue with how to make some answers visible only to master admin(s).

And best of all, you got me to where I could go to erase the crazy data that was there in my profile.

I'm guessing/hoping that once we go live (because I selected 'all users, even logged out') all 'migrating' Ning to JamRoom site members will see the new profile questions the first time they log in, and that their answers to these new questions will override/erase all their imported answers.

Is that correct?

Or will I somehow have to guide all migrating members to visit their profile pages, click account, and answer the questions? [Please don't say I and they will have to do that.]

You are an angel!

Thank you so much,
9 years ago
3,605 posts

Just remember, the changes you made in that particular form designer are applied to all profiles and signups.

Your question: I'm not absolutely sure, but I 'think' that since they will ALREADY be (imported) members and will HAVE passwords to log in with, that they will NOT be confronted with any new 'signup' questions that new applicant members are presented with and perhaps required to answer. At least when they simply log in, as already-existing members.

Perhaps one of the JR Team (Paul especially, as the ning import expert) can better answer this. However it's possible (and I vaguely recall this maybe happened on my site) that when the former ning member logs in and tries to EDIT their new site account settings for the first time (like say setting their notification preferences etc), that if there is a NEW profile question that you had added and that you set to 'require' be answered, that they will be prompted to fill in the (blank) answer before they can SAVE their account settings changes once they've edited anything (like "You forgot to answer this question"). And that once this is done they won't need to answer that question each time anymore. You may well be able to make a quick adjustment once the new members begin to log in. You can always DELETE certain profile questions/answers once your ning members are all moved over and off ning.
Indeed, the smartest thing to do is to invite a handful of trusted members over a couple days BEFORE sending out the bulk password/invitation. Let those few tell you exactly what they see and experience in the process. Set them new passwords and give them a link and that password so that they can log in...and ask them to not give out the new site links.

I do want to share my experience that these kinds of things tend to be what i would consider as 'fine tuning'. You may find as I did that once you get your content, your members, and go live, that there will be many additional tweak items on your To Do list that can be attended to one at a time. But for me anyway, such fine tuning things which seemed critical to me before going live suddenly seemed less crucial once we got out of the starting gate and went live. There was just so much excitement and so many member questions and new posts flying was an exciting, wild, and wonderful time. Each day after going live made the vestiges and comparisons to Ning simply more IRRELEVANT. Once you go live your biggest worries will be over and then you can work on more tweaks and improvements from your list methodically as you have TIME. Took me a few months before I actually didn't even need a list anymore because I only had a handful of things to fix or change. That's a happy day too! :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 09/24/16 08:39:50PM
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Thanks (again) for your lengthy reply, @strumelia.

My biggest worry is the privacy concern...
I don't want to have to edit everyone's profile accounts on Jamroom prior to inviting them, and info that they were advised would NOT be shared (on Ning) has come through public (on Jamroom).

I will ask Paul. He's on the 'magic wand' team, for sure, so I'll hope for a simpler solution.

Meanwhile, I am more and more pleased with our JamRoom sign-up tweaks, and saying "Thank you!" to you and others here multiple times a day.
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Holly Dilatush:
Thanks (again) for your lengthy reply, @strumelia.
My biggest worry is the privacy concern...
I don't want to have to edit everyone's profile accounts on Jamroom prior to inviting them, and info that they were advised would NOT be shared (on Ning) has come through public (on Jamroom).

Yes, good to check with Paul on that.
However, I'd mention a couple things to you first, just in case you overlooked them:

1) go through your list of those profile info items in the Form Designer as above, and make sure that each item you want to keep Private is enabled ONLY to the Admins or Only to the Master Admins in the quota select menu that's called "Display Groups". Then only the profile owner themselves and the Admins will see it at all.
2) related to that, always remember that as Admin you will see everything on the site wherever you go (except members' passwords and private notes)- but that other members might not be seeing it if you've set it to not allow them to. Thus, YOU and the profile OWNER will see all their profile info and signup answers, but other members might not see it (set that item by item in the Form Designer, as I described above). To test, clear the cache and then log in as a regular quota member and go look at another member's profile and see if it's still visible to you.
It's easy to forget that as Admin you will always see stuff that's not visible to regular members- I've forgotten that fact many times over the months, and had moments of panic until I remember that. lol

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Yeah. I'm getting pretty used to working with two browsers and testing as regular user and as admin...
It's a new habit to develop, for sure (and not at all a 'natural' thing for me). I've set our site's logo as the image for my admin profile (the image I'm using here now), hoping that when I post and see that logo, it will dawn on me that I'm posting as admin and not as 'Holly'. :)

But something you wrote gave me an 'aha!' moment. The info I've been seeing (as a regular user and as admin) -- the info I've been fretting about -- was an optional profile question on Ning... NOT as mandatory private questions... [I had completely forgotten that we'd made those changes to sign up questions on Ning.

I just now checked (as standard user) several profiles here on Jamroom... and all is well. Whew.

Once again, thank you for the help and understanding of the 'duh' moments that Ning to JamRoomers experience.

This discussion may be closed.
9 years ago
3,605 posts
I guess maybe I'm an expert on ning-to-jamroom "Duh" moments... because as a non-coder I've had sooo many of them...yet I've somehow have more of them. lololol

Interestingly, -and once I got my most important site building issues out of the way- over time now it's become strangely entertaining to me to figure out what causes my Duh Moments. It can be fun to have an Aha! moment for each Duh Moment. Strings of many tiny lightbulbs accumulating to chase away the darkness.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
249 posts
Hi Holly,
To "close" a discussion, you (the author) mark it as "solved".

If you go at the top of this discussion, you will see a lightbulb icon. Click on that and you will see the "solved" option. This let's the Jamroom team that you don't need anymore help and strumelia has saved the day (as she tends to do for Ning owners ;)
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
@Strumelia and all: It is marvelous how different life experiences can be when approached with a 'joy of learning' spirit, isn't it?

Speaking of learning...

The 'duh' strikes again. (embarrassed)
Thank you @elise
updated by @holly-dilatush: 09/25/16 09:57:51AM
9 years ago
7,799 posts
Just to point out:
The Form Designer gets stuff into the datastore.
{jrCore_list} gets stuff out of the datastore.

You can add extra fields to any form using the Form Designer, but the input values of those will only be shown on the screen if you output them somewhere.
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Hello again,
I just thought I'd share the discovery we made earlier today (Joanna made)...

She suggested we check in Skins... and we found:http://(your site)

We unchecked the box and refreshed... then RE-checked the box and tried a new test registration...
All the old Ning signup info is erased and blank slates await incoming migrating members.

It feels great to be resolving SOME of these challenges on our own (and many more with nudges from the support help here).

*I love the little tips (Tours) JamRoom provides, too.
Hoping we'll figure out how to customize ours one of these days
