Using different skins & site builder

Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts
Can I use different skins instead of Ningja for my Ning-to-JR site? I have a server set up with JR for Ning import and have started setting up the modules. But now we are thinking we want it to look a bit different than our Ning site (but not too different!).

So we are considering a different skin (maybe Nova Light or Sage). Will Ning import OK into a site with one of those skins? Will the modules all stay the same? Can we use site builder to tweak things if we switch to one of those skins?
updated by @deb-w: 12/21/16 11:07:33AM
9 years ago
7,799 posts
sure, you can use any skin you like, or clone whichever skin you like and customize it so it looks like you want it to look.

The thing is the skin designers have a lot of power to choose what is displayed on the skin and how it is displayed, so changing skin can mean having different features.

The data on the back-end and the profile functionality should remain fairly constant, but the front end features and design could be different.

That was one of the intended purposes of site builder, to allow you to setup your own skin features. Before site builder it was the skin designer who decided the layout of the lists of items, now with site builder you can choose for yourself the initial layout of the top level pages becomes less important.

Take a look at the demos to see the exact same database content laid out on the different skins:

The main difference in the Ningja skin is the profile index page as is shown above for elastic, and ningja. The ningja one has more than just the timeline on the top page of a profile.
Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
83 posts
Thanks for the explanation, Michael. Makes much more sense to me now :)
Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
83 posts
I've noticed that the Global Config for Ningja contains more items (Groups, Events, Profile etc.) than Lucid (for example).

Does this make much of a difference?

If we use another skin should we be adding those items to the Global Config and how would we go about doing that?
updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 09/21/16 04:45:34AM
9 years ago
7,799 posts
The reason you're seeing extra options in Ningja is because they were put there by the skin designer.

When a skin designer designs a skin and wants to put an extra section in somewhere, they want to give you the option of being able to adjust that section without the need to alter the templates.

So they add a button in the ACP. One that exists in Ningja but not in Lucid is "Coming Events Box":
ACP -> SKINS -> NINGJA -> GLOBAL CONFIG -> EVENTS -> Coming Events Box

Which is a checkbox. When you check that checkbox, the only thing that happens is a variable gets stored in the database. That variable is then available in the templates. That particular variable is:

If that is then used anywhere in the skin it will output either 'on' or 'off', THATS ALL.

Its usefulness comes into play when used in conjunction with Template Blocks:

Docs: "Template Blocks"

Now because the designer has your input on the matter, they can use Template Blocks to either hide or show a section of code. This saves you the hassle of going and adding or removing that section of code via the Template Editor:

Docs: "Using the Template Editor"

The specific section of the skin that uses that $_conf.jrNingja_event_active variable is this one:
    {* This is the embedded template that is shown for EACH event entry on the right side *}
    {if jrCore_module_is_active('jrEvent') && isset($_conf.jrNingja_event_active) && $_conf.jrNingja_event_active == 'on'}
around line 97 and again around line 400.

That particular line reads in english: "If the Event module is active, and we have a value for $_conf.jrNingja_event_active and that value is on, then show this section"

You could take the inner section of template code from that template and use it in the lucid skin and it would work. The difference is the skin designer is setting the skin up for a particular purpose, they expect that you will have the Event module active for this skin.
updated by @michael: 09/21/16 06:17:26PM
Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
83 posts
Makes sense. Thanks, Michael!