solved Import of Ning members who signed up with facebook/twitter/google

9 years ago
249 posts
On my ning network, members could sign with social networks using Janrain.
What happens to these profiles when they are imported?

Would using OneAll allow them to just seamlessly keep signing in through social networks? Or they were transformed into jamroom signup?

updated by @elise: 12/16/16 04:01:50PM
9 years ago
7,799 posts
They will probably need to go to their NETWORKS tab and re-authorize your site with their network as the domain name will have changed.

The networks you allow will show up there, go to the user menu (the one with your name in the profile header bar) -> ACCOUNT SETTINGS -> NETWORKS
9 years ago
249 posts
The domain didn't change. I use a subdomain :)

But you're saying that if I turn on OneAll and that used was able to login with facebook, it will allow them to keep doing it?
9 years ago
7,799 posts
Im saying, that if the user wants to login with facebook and they go click the facebook button on the NETWORKS tab then they can login with facebook.

What I'm not certain of is if they will be able to login with facebook BEFORE clicking that button or not. They might need to get the new account notification details first provided by the tool in the import system. Not sure, haven't done many imports. Paul will probably know.
9 years ago
4,335 posts
If members had the ability to login via FB on Ning that info doesn't get imported (its not in the archive) so imported users are configured as though they signed up via the regular JR signup form. They would need to go to their Networks tab and select FB, as Michael suggested.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
