Is there a module for adding a live chat feature to my JR site?

Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts
Can anyone tell me if there is a module for adding a live chat similar to the chat we had available on Ning? How easy is it to add/use?


updated by @deb-w: 11/17/16 05:02:02PM
9 years ago
865 posts
Paul mentioned in this thread there is a chat module in development,
Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts
That is great news. thanks for sharing this.
9 years ago
3,605 posts
To add to what Gary said- some of us are using CometChat on our JR sites. There's a JR compatible module/version. But before you invest in buying CometChat you should check with the JR Team to get an idea of when the new JR Chat might be coming out. And maybe if it'll be a while and you dont want to wait, you could just get the most basic version of Comet in the meantime, rather than getting their more expensive levels. Just some thoughts.
Cometchat does seem to need some initial minor glitch tweaking in my experience, but their support people did all that for me via CC support tickets, and I haven't had a chat problem since then.

I can't wait to see what the Jamroom fellows come up with for chat! ...a little birdy told me it will be able to utilize the smiley from our own JR Smiley Module...which will be terrific in my view- add all the custom smileys you want, yourself!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
Deb W.
Deb W.
9 years ago
136 posts
Good advice, Strumelia! I think we can wait a bit... I'm always interested in what the JR folks are cooking up. thanks.