solved Editor Embed Media Update Bug

9 years ago
1,353 posts
Just updated the Editor Embed Media...cleared cache/integrity check...then tried to embed a image and it failed...actually the image editor is failing to load....reverted back to the previous version and works fine ( Google Chrome)
Just wanted to report..
updated by @derrickhand300: 08/30/16 03:05:21AM
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Thanks, will check it out.
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Not seeing the issue, is it with the gallery embed or the uploaded image embed? jrGallery or jrUpimg

I tried uploading an image to a blog post and it went ok, then added a gallery and tried adding one of its images to a blog post and it went ok too.
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Its an issue with embedding a single image in a post ( not taken or uploaded to gallery)
I have installed the update again- and it still does not work-here is what I did
1-create a post
2-select area in post to add an image with mouse cursor
3-select the editor embed media button in the editor toolbar
4-this is a screenshot of what i am seeing after I click the editor embed media button in the toolbar- as you can see its blank..

I am reverting back now-but hope this helps explain
Capture.JPG.jpg  •  38KB

updated by @derrickhand300: 05/24/16 06:40:52AM
9 years ago
3,603 posts
I am having the same problem now after that last update. There was no problem before.
This is occurring in both my Forum posts and in my Group posts, also in all Comments.
Can no longer select or embed images, videos for youtube, etc.

Here is a screenshot showing where I click in my text editor for posts and comments, and what i get now as the result- a blank area:
image2.jpg  •  238KB

image1.jpg  •  192KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,791 posts
mmmm, not seeing the same thing. will try again to reproduce.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Perhaps we have a slight difference in our tinymce editor plugins ?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Think this is related to skin customizations. Can see the issue, just not sure how to fix it yet. Looking now.
9 years ago
7,791 posts
For some reason on your site strumelia the embed local media panel is loading twice. Not sure about yours curtis as Im not sure of which site your thinking of in this case. Hopefully its the same issue, so I'll keep trying to locate it on strumelias.
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Strumelia, using your skin and your modules on a fresh database install its working as expected, so I suspect its something store in a TEMPLATE edit somewhere in the database. Looking now.
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Yup, I'm stumped, same database as yours, same modules, same skin. Its working on my dev server.

Only thing thats different is cometchat is not active, but I cant see that being related at all.
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Ok, found it. Wasted half the day before doing what I tell everyone to do when there is a problem, doh!

Docs: "Somethings wrong what do I do?"

Ran the integrity check and cleared the caches, its working now. :)

Curtis, if you could do that too, it should come right.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
OMG... When will I learn??

Funny thing is, I do a complete Integrity Check every 4 or 5 days as a routine to head off such issues before they even get noticed...and I hope that doing that is not inadvisable to do routinely?

I should have done this immediately when I noticed the embed problem.
For some reason I thought that the system runs its own type of integrity check every time a jr module update gets installed by us... I guess that's not true? I read that someplace here about a year ago.

I feel bad about the pointless time you spent that could have been better spent on other things, Michael- I just hope Curtis' issue is fixed as easily now.

Hmmm...would it be great if we could set our sites to do an Integrity Check automatically every X number of days? Over time it might save a bunch of folks needless 'grrr' and 'doh' moments. ;)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
1,353 posts
I ran integrity check and cleared caches after both installs-I do it after EVERY update...still had the issue on both occasions...also switched my cloudflare into development mode just in case...will try again later today
Thanks Michael
updated by @derrickhand300: 05/25/16 10:22:55AM
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Ok just ran through the process again...this time it worked :)
Not sure WHY because running integrity check/clear caches is part of my normal progression on ALL updates-...just glad its fixed-now I have to try and find why its removed my google maps plug in from the toolbar in the editor...I see the plug in is still installed in the form_editor.tpl and the site_builder_form_editor.tpl.... so now I will need to write that developer and see whats happened..
Thanks Michael
PS- wish you could have seen my favorite Kiwi beat on the Golden State warriors last few games! Steven Adams is a BEAST on the basketball court like you are a BEAST on site builder :)
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Yeah the caches do get cleared as time progresses, there is a daily maintenance process that keeps stuff up to date, so it probably would have come right given enough time, but in the integrity check there are a couple of other options to repair modules, repair tables and optimize tables. I checked all of those this time.

Those run some extra processing to make sure things are in order. There's no issue in running the integrity check whenever you want to to make sure things are in order, just like taking your car to the mechanic for a tune up. Hopefully you don't need a tuneup every week, but if you feel like doing it that often there is no issue doing it.

An example of what happens in an integrity check from the Forum module:
* Compare topic counts and update category table if wrong
* validate the last updated user still exists (in the case of a spammer being deleted and them still showing as the last post in the forum)

Those things should be right anyhow, because the topic counts should update correctly and the deleting of the spammer should clear them as the last updating user..........but if for whatever reason they dont, then the integrity check fixes it up.
9 years ago
1,353 posts
9 years ago
334 posts
@roy-simmons opened a ticket for this issue.
Roy also does a regular integrity check and clears cache, both done after update too. I will do that again and see if it clears our problem.
