google Translate?

9 years ago
114 posts
Has anyone used Google Translate on their site? We had it on our Ning site and it worked well for our members (we have members from over 50 countries). I haven't tried it yet on Jamroom but wanted to check to see if anyone else has used it or something similar.

updated by @icw: 08/05/16 06:35:41PM
9 years ago
370 posts
I have Google Translate enabled on all of my system ( i.e. non Sitebuilder) pages Here is an example blog post ... can see the GT dropdown in the left hand column just underneath the site search box. When pasting in the code to the profile_sidebar.tpl remember to wrap the javascript code with the literal tags i.e. {literal}{/literal}

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru

updated by @adolygwr: 04/28/16 09:21:45PM
9 years ago
114 posts
Hmmm..... thanks adolygwr.... now if I only understood what you're trying to explain ;-) I need step by step directions. When I was on Ning, I was able to add google translate to the main page in the area that is automatically added to each page I went to. Is there some short cut for doing that here? Or do I manually add it to all pages? and where would I put the code that Google translate gives me? (I did manage to figure out where to get that code from Translate, so that's a step anyway).

9 years ago
7,799 posts
What were the steps you took to get it working on Ning?
9 years ago
114 posts
I first went to this site: and entered my URL. Followed directions until I got the code.

Then I was able to take the code and paste into a box that was on the main page of my Ning site but which was in an area that showed up on every page.

A member could switch the language on the main page and when they navigate to other pages, it's automatically in that new language. The Google translate box showed up on every page so if they want to switch languages on a different page, they could do that when they got there.

Does that make sense?

9 years ago
4,335 posts
I've just tried this on my development site and it worked fine.
Be sure to wrap the Google code in {literal} tags when putting it into the template.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
114 posts
Can you tell me where I would put the code? I'm still not clear about that.

9 years ago
4,335 posts
For it to show on every page put it somewhere in the header.tpl template. Maybe start by putting it in its own div set just under the < body > tag to test it out, then move it and/or stylise the div then -

<div class="row">
    <div class="col12 last>
            Google Script Here

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Actually, the header template is maybe not a good place for this script. When in the ACP and looking at the template editor, it tries to translate the template code !!!
Put it at the top of every public facing page instead, ie. at the top of index.tpl to start with, then other selected pages when you're happy with it.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist