Two Nings combine into one JR site?

9 years ago
114 posts
Can two separate Ning 2.0 sites be imported into one JR site? We'd like to combine all our folks into one site when we move them onto JR.

updated by @icw: 08/08/16 02:25:13AM
9 years ago
4,335 posts
An interesting question :-)
Just had a quick look at the Import code to remind myself how it all works and there's a 13 character Ning ID associated with all Ning members and that is used to tag all other items to their owners, the same as Jamroom does with profile and user IDs. Assuming that ID is unique for every Ning member, across all Ning sites, then theoretically yes, we could merge archives into one site as the Import module uses the same Ning ID to associate imported items with imported profiles.
However, I would want to add some additional checks to the import process as JR expects all profile names, user names and email addresses to be unique as well, and I don't think that is guaranteed withing two or more Ning archives, so would want to check for that and take appropriate action if found.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
114 posts
Good points... and yes, some of the members would be the same people, with the same names and email addresses.... But definitely not all of them (or even most of them I'm guessing). I think we could probably download the list of members/emails from each site to compare them to see how many are the same...

So what do you suggest?

9 years ago
3,605 posts
When you download the ning 2.0 CSV memberdata info, those files will open in Excel. You could easily combine both into 1 excel file and then use the Excel filters to find duplicates including member name or email address.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
4,335 posts
When you download the ning 2.0 CSV memberdata info, those files will open in Excel. You could easily combine both into 1 excel file and then use the Excel filters to find duplicates including member name or email address.

Sorry Strumelia, but Ning2 archives are JSON formatted, not CSV, so not readable by Excel (the Ning3 memberdata file is CSV though).

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Yes, that's what I said Paul- the .csv memberdata file. Deb could use those to identify duplicate members once she combines the .csv files data from both Ning 2 networks.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
114 posts
I know I could download the .csv memberdata to figure out who the duplicates are, but I'm not sure how that would help when we actually important the Ning 2.0 archives from two sites into one JR site.... (and yes, we would use my good friend Paul to do the importing since I don't trust myself to do that part).

So Paul put on your thinking cap and let me know if you think this could be done.... In the meantime I will try to figure out exactly how many duplicates we have between the two ning sites.

9 years ago
4,335 posts
Oh - So you can also get a memberdata.csv file from Ning2 sites? Sorry - Didn't realise.

Would probably need to customise the NingImport member import code a bit to check for duplicate profiles. I think we would have to work to the following flow chart -

Import Ning archive 1 members and all content

Import Ning archive 2 members with the following checks -
1) If a member email address matches one already imported, assume its the same member and change his Ning ID to that of Ning archive 2 so that subsequent content can be correctly allocated.
2) If member names are the same but email addresses different rename 'member name' to 'member name2' and assume its someone different.

Import Ning archive 2 content.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
114 posts
Thanks, Paul.... I'm going to be out of the office for a couple weeks, but will work on this more when I get back....
9 years ago
114 posts
Just to share an update with you all... One of my colleagues is currently working on downloading a .csv file for all the members of the two sites in question and then look for how many people might have profiles on both sites. I'll let you all know where we are with that as soon as she gets around to doing that...
