help me fix a few links

9 years ago
71 posts
okay, I'm not sure what happened but all of a sudden a few links aren't working on my site. Here are the examples a member gave:

The My Profile link:
My Discussions:
My Friends:

The first one goes to this url:
I think I need to change ADMIN to something else. What's going on and where do I fix the url?
updated by @hypnoscott: 04/15/16 07:20:56PM
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Not totally sure if this is the problem, but... am I correctly seeing in those links you give that one of your member/usernames is: dave_i ? If so, user or profile names that contain an UNDERSCORE will behave as though they are invisible on your site. Go to that user's profile page and their "Account" TAB, remove the underscore from that member's name (you can replace it with a space), save with their new name, and things should then appear normally again on pages related to that member.

Isn't your site-wide forum 'owned' by a profile you created named "community"? If so, then the link you cite above for My Discussions should instead be:
(UNLESS you are referring to a separate personal forum you created on your own profile only, your profile called Admin)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 01/15/16 12:25:49PM
9 years ago
7,799 posts
How do I recreate the issue here on my site. If you could provide steps that would help get an answer.

Currently all we know is some links that exists somewhere are not going to the location expected, but don't know where those links appear so its real hard to do any testing to try to figure out what the problem might be.

9 years ago
4,335 posts
Basically, you don't have any profiles called 'admin' or 'dave_i' so I guess wherever these links are on your site, they've been 'hard coded'.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
