My former Ning, now Jamroom hosted site, is If you go there, you will see that it is HIGHLY customized and looks more modern. Lots of people have complimented me on it (I didn't do it, I hired a dev who is still helping me and is great).
Anyway, there are still some bugs here and there, many of which I'm sure can be changed in the settings/dashboard of jamroom, a few that might be CSS related. I am NOT detail oriented and I am very busy. I've got a full time job and a newborn son, so I don't have any of the resources to make everything perfect.
So here's my offer: I'll give you (whoever you are) my CSS template if you make it perfect and give me a ton of tech support to make my site work as well as I want it to, including fixing some stuff that went badly during my import from Ning in the groups integration.
I'll make this deal with Jamroom or with individual network creators. I am 90% of the way there, but the last 10% is beyond me. I can have you chat with my developer, who is great but new to jamroom.
Ning has just modified their pricing for 2016, and it's way worse for some people. So I'd imagine more refugees are on the way. The main thing that prevented me from making the move was the look of the JR templates, which is why I made my own layout. I'm sure it could make things much more attractive for others as well.
Anyone interested?
updated by @hypnoscott: 04/14/16 04:34:11AM