Four Technical Questions

10 years ago
71 posts
Okay, one of these is follow up/clarification, but I figured I'd put all 3 in one place.

1. my site is private and only the home page is visible to non members. Can I make individual pages public as well, and if so, how do I do that?

2. How do I make sure my site doesn't automatically archive and lock old posts?

3. I'd like it to be easy for members to embed pictures and videos into the WYSIWYG text bock and just have them work without having to upload them to the site first. Why isn't that working?

4. I'm having a difficult time activating accounts since the move from Ning. Once a member logs in once they are fine, but I have to manually go in and change things in their profile about 20% of the time. When I do there are errors associated with URLs in their profile questions (Ning's profile questions that ported over, not Jamroom questions). I'm willing to remove those questions if it will make a difference.

Thanks in advance!
updated by @hypnoscott: 02/20/16 08:04:22AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Okay, one of these is follow up/clarification, but I figured I'd put all 3 in one place.

1. my site is private and only the home page is visible to non members. Can I make individual pages public as well, and if so, how do I do that?

This is not supported - you'd have to make your site NOT private, then set the profiles you don't want to be seen individually to PRIVATE.

2. How do I make sure my site doesn't automatically archive and lock old posts?

Click on the "settings" tab in your profile forum and turn off the forum lock.

3. I'd like it to be easy for members to embed pictures and videos into the WYSIWYG text bock and just have them work without having to upload them to the site first. Why isn't that working?

That's not how it works - JR has to catalog the item before it becomes available in the WYSIWYG editor.

4. I'm having a difficult time activating accounts since the move from Ning. Once a member logs in once they are fine, but I have to manually go in and change things in their profile about 20% of the time. When I do there are errors associated with URLs in their profile questions (Ning's profile questions that ported over, not Jamroom questions). I'm willing to remove those questions if it will make a difference.

If you are getting validation errors you just need to go into FORM DESIGNER on the form and change the VALIDATION to something "looser" (i.e. printable) - but be prepared for your users to possibly enter bad values.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
4,335 posts
3. I'd like it to be easy for members to embed pictures and videos into the WYSIWYG text bock and just have them work without having to upload them to the site first. Why isn't that working?

That's not how it works - JR has to catalog the item before it becomes available in the WYSIWYG editor.

Do you have the 'Editor Image Upload' module installed and enabled for quotas? - - that'll allow images to be uploaded into the TinyMCE editor.

Can you show us an example of the Ning signup question issue? I want to see if its a problem with the import process.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
71 posts
Thanks for the quick responses!

Follow ups:

1. is there an easy way to just make the discussion forum private and default member profiles to private but they can choose to make them public?

2. looking at "profile forum" general settings and page settings and I don't see that option. Am I in the wrong place?

3. I don't have that installed, but I will do that and presume it will help.

4. I don't have one handy, but I'll see if I can find an example and post it here.

10 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: 1. is there an easy way to just make the discussion forum private and default member profiles to private but they can choose to make them public?
Yes - Go to your forum page (/community iirc?) and click on the update (gearwheel) icon. Set its privacy there. Then go to the ACP profile quota settings and select the default privacy there. Note that this will only take effect on newly created quotas. If you want to set all quotas to 'Private' you'll need to run a simple database query (get back to me about that if needed).

Quote: 2. looking at "profile forum" general settings and page settings and I don't see that option. Am I in the wrong place?
Go to the forum when logged in as admin, click on the Settings button, set Forum Auto Lock to Never.

Quote: 3. I don't have that installed, but I will do that and presume it will help.
Yep - It'll allow you to upload images into the editor.

Quote: 4. I don't have one handy, but I'll see if I can find an example and post it here.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
7,799 posts
Really love it if each of these could be individual questions. Makes it easier for others coming later searching for answers. :)
