Ning to jamroom help with gigs

10 years ago
1 posts
Hello, can anyone tell me how to find how many gigs is my ning site?
I dont know in which gig I am and I dont know where to look for this information at my ning panel. I would appreciate the help.
thanks in advance
updated by @nikolas: 01/22/16 11:14:55PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Nikolas - Welcome to Jamroom

To be precise, do a full download of your archive then see how big it is.
Alternatively, just download the json files and it will tell you how many media files are associated with each json, so that you can then make an intelligent guess!!
Send your Ning URL, email and password to support[at]jamroom[dot]net and I'll do it for you.

If you're new to Jamroom, signup for our hosting free trial so that you can have a play with it first for 7 days -


Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
