TIP: group 'join' button tweak

10 years ago
3,603 posts
I noticed-
that in Ning, when a member visited a group thye did not belong to and clicked on a discussion, they would get a popup message saying they needed to join the group in order to post. They'd also see the group's comment wall, but be unable to comment.
In Jamroom, we get no such message. Instead, if one clicks on a group discussion, you'll be able to read the first post, but nothing else shows. If you're not sharp (by noticing that the number of replies is listed in the list of group discussions), you'd think maybe all the discussions had no responses at all. Plus you don't see any comment wall at all if you're not a group member, and in fact wouldn't know a comment wall existed. Thus the group might seem rather dead, not worth joining.

I like that non group members cannot read the group discussions- it creates an incentive to join. But one of my members asked about this recently- they were puzzled and actually asked whether they'd see more if they joined.
So I did a simple tweak to help members know-
Went to my Group Support module, into the Language tab, and changed the "Join Group" label to "Join Group to access discussions". You could also put "Join Group to participate" or "Join Group to view content" or whatever. This will help members KNOW that they will see more group content if they join.
You can also edit the group to add a sentence to the group's Description field, further explaining that they'll be able to see and post once they join the group.

Here's what the new button looks like when a non group member goes to the group's page:

join-group-button.jpg  •  433KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 01/25/16 05:09:25PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Thanks Strumelia - All Jamroom 'front facing' language strings are editable via the ACP so this sort of clarification could be done elsewhere if need be.

Alternatively, you could make changes in the module template(s) so as to show comments to all but only allow group participents to comment.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
114 posts
So is it possible to have some groups stay Private? (people would need to be approved to see the group discussions) and some more Public (they could see the discussions but not join in unless they join... joining could be automatic or they might need to b approved. either way is fine with us).

If this is possible, I will need specific instructions on how to proceed since I'm an "accidental techy" (someone who has stumbled into this role and learns as she goes...)
10 years ago
3,603 posts
You can have a completely Private Group where non-members will see NOTHING aside from the group's avatar to know it exists. and you can set it to be join-able by anyone, OR require approval/invitation before allowing someone to join. I use one as a moderator group where we can privately discuss site issues and problem members.

I believe the default for Groups is that non group members can go to a group's main page and see the titeles of the discussions there, but not be able to see any replies or post themselves. They will also not see the group's Comment Wall. When they join they will see all and be able to post.

It will be extremely useful for you to create a 'test member' profile in your regular member Quota...with their own profile name, password, and email address. When you log OUT of your site and then log in as them, you will then experience what your typical member sees and can/can't do. You'll notice that many options visible to you as admin are not seen by a regular member. You can use this test member to investigate how non-admin members see and access groups.

If a group you import from Ning was created by a member that has since left your site, it may not make it across the migration because it no longer 'belongs to' anyone. Make a list of or screenshots of all your ning groups and compare it to the new site groups to find any 'missing' groups. Paul of Jamroom can help get those missing groups imported and reassigned to new group owners- maybe just you.
Make another list of Group that you need to make Private, or make invitation only.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
114 posts
I was just thinking about the "test member" idea myself! I think that will help a lot so I can see what regular members see. also really good info about groups that may have not made the trip... I will definitely look at that. we don't have many groups on this network, but I have a couple of other networks that will be making the trip and they have more groups.