working through the changes

10 years ago
71 posts
Overall I really like Jamroom and am looking forward to getting settled in. Moving homes isn't fun, but when it's all said and done you are glad you did it. Living through a remodel isn't fun, but in the long run it's worth it.

I find myself moving and remodeling at the same time. I know it's worth it, but convincing the members is the job.

I've been looking for some simple walk throughs, documentation, FAQ, etc to expedite things and help me get comfortable. I'm very aware of my ignorance and lack of confidence in the dashboard. Some of that will come with time, but I'd like to learn the easy way whenever possible.

I still have a few questions like:
how to I promote my former moderators to something bigger than a normal user? I think they can only be admins, which is fine, I just haven't figured it out.

is there a way in the groups to flip the comment wall so most recent comment is at the top instead of the bottom? This seems like it could be simple, and it would make a big difference since facebook and Ning both work that way. My members expect it.

updated by @hypnoscott: 11/04/15 08:42:34AM
10 years ago
71 posts
Another question is about mass mailing members. I have been using constant contact because of it's Ning integration.

Are people using other services, built in to jamroom or otherwise, that are working well for them?
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Scott - Keep plugging away and asking here - it'll all become clear in the end :-)

Go to your moderators' accounts and make them a 'Profile Admin' (from their profile page, click on the update gear wheel, then the User Account tab). That'll give them the means to edit/moderate any other profile and content.

Comment flip? - ACP=>Users=>User Comments=>Global Config=>Comment Sort Direction

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: Another question is about mass mailing members

Checkout the NewsLetter module.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
71 posts
comment flip was easy. can I easily move the text editor up there too so they don't have to scroll to the bottom to reply?

The user account tab took me into the dashboard for global settings, so I think I screwed that up.

I'll look into the newsletter module. how easily can I incorporate a visual template into that?

thanks for the quick responses,
10 years ago
71 posts
looking at that profile a bit I have a drop down for profile quota that includes pending and default user, but admin isn't listed there. what am I missing?
10 years ago
71 posts
ahhh, found the profile admin. dug around a different way, but i found it. thanks
10 years ago
71 posts
in user accounts I have some people listed as "not active" in yellow. what's that mean and how do I fix it?
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Where are you seeing this?
It probably means that they have signed up but not activated their accounts via the email they received.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
71 posts
I found it in my dashboard in my list of members. I have the option to edit or delete their membership there. One of the people I've seen in yellow as "not active" has contacted me via facebook saying his account isn't working.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Click on Modify, then go to the Profile tab and check the 'Profile Active' box.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
71 posts
Ning bio's and profile info, is that included in the archive and should it be included in profile pages already?
their member photo is there, name is there, is there "about me" section included?
updated by @hypnoscott: 09/30/15 04:26:15PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
There isn't an 'about me' section in the Ning archive. There are 'location', 'country', 'zip' and the answers to any 'signup questions' though, and these are all imported to the Jamroom 'profile_location', 'profile_country', 'profile_zip' and 'user_signup_question_x' fields (x is numeric for each answer) so user these in your profile templates to show the data.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
71 posts
thanks. I'll have to figure this part out.

it's coming together really well though:
10 years ago
71 posts
The site seems like the more changes I make the more it's slowing down. Am I kicking it's ass somehow? page loads have gotten much, much worse in the past 72 hours
10 years ago
7,799 posts
Few suggestions here:

"Something's wrong, what do I do?"

on clear the caches and stuff.

Also check that you have the caching system on, Its useful to have it off when developing, but having a short cache time or running in developer mode will always be slower than having the cache on and active.
10 years ago
71 posts
I've got some members complaining they aren't getting authentication emails. Is there a way for me to manually approve their membership?
10 years ago
71 posts
also had a few members who've lost access to the email address they signed up with, so some manual process would be great.
10 years ago
7,799 posts
I've got some members complaining they aren't getting authentication emails. Is there a way for me to manually approve their membership?

sure, they will appear in the 'Pending Users' tab of the dashboard. Click the ACTIVATE button.

If they have lost access to the email address, you can change that for them from their user account. Go to their profile, click on the SETTINGS (gear icon) button to go to their profile, then change to the ACCOUNT tab and change their email address for them.

If they just dont remember which email address they used, they can put their username into the FORGOT PASSWORD section to have the email re-sent.
10 years ago
71 posts
I'm getting notified of updates that I can install. what are the odds any of those are going to break stuff that's working right now? I mean custom css, etc.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Only if you have been modifying templates and CSS directly on the module and skin files is there chance of them being overwritten when updating. Of course, this is not a recommended practice for this reason. If you want to edit skin templates, first clone the skin using the tool in the Developer module then work on the cloned skin, so updated to the original skin will not affect your work.
Alternatively, use the ACP template editors in each skin and module to make changes. Edited templates are then stored on the database and are therefore protected from any updated to the original. The same applies when editing CSS and images via their ACP editors.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
71 posts
i know some of those words.
