solved Missing plugins when importing from Ning and a question about the Pages module

10 years ago
5 posts
Hi everyone!

I been working on a custom skin for Jamroom and I'm now at stage where I can import the information from Ning. The process looks pretty straightforward but I had a few questions on the requirements. The "Import Ning Archive" page is telling me that I'm missing the following plugins:

Video Support
Soundcloud support
Vimeo Support
Discussion Form
The Embedded Media Support

I'm ok with the first three but I do have a profile forum module (Profile Forum) and the Embedded Media (Editor Embedded Media). Will these cause any errors when importing content?

My second question is around the Pages module. When creating a normal user is creating a new page (non-admin), they get thrown into the Elastic theme even though I have another theme set as my active skin and profile skin. No other modules do this but this one does. I set up Elastic as the admin skin. Is there any way to stop this from happening?

Thank you!

updated by @hello5980: 09/27/15 11:43:53AM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Ruben - Welcome to Jamroom

The Discussion Forum module is not yet on general release but is an alternate forum module that works with the comment module instead of its own forum posts. The latest NingImport module has three options for importing Ning global discussions, including this new one, but I would recommend importing them to the jrForum module that you have as this gives the most options and functionality.

I've just tried creating a page as a normal user on a site set up as you describe with no issue. Can you give more details so as to recreate this?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
5 posts
Hi Paul,

Thanks for reply. I see what you mean about the three options. I ended up creating a custom page to display our discussions and each discussion topic is of course listed under the user who started that topic. If I entered the admin ID here, would topics that were started by other users (anyone but the admin) would still show under the correct user? I'm just trying to understand what happens when you assign an ID here.

For the pages module, here is my setup. I'm using the Alternative Admin Skin module to let me choose two different skins for my site. I have our own custom skin set as the main skin and the main profile skin. Then I set Elastic as the main admin skin. In all other modules, everything automatically defaulted to the custom skin, specifically the "create" pages where forms are shown. Whenever any user visits the "create" page for the Pages module (found at, they see the Elastic skin (its loading the header.tpl and footer.tpl for Elastic). This is only happened with the Pages module.

I can provide you with admin credentials if you would like to see it.


10 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Ruben
With Jamroom, everything belongs to a profile, including forums. The configuration options for 'forum profile' in the NIng Import module are defining that profile. All imported topics and posts to that forum will still show as those members that created them. For instance, this forum is the jrForum module. Look at its URL above and see that the whole forum belongs to the profile 'The Jamroom Network' (the-jamroom-network). When importing from Ning to Jamroom, I will create an admin owned profile often called 'Community' with its own quota with just the jrForum module enabled, then set the Ning Import profile ID option to that.

Your setup for creating pages sounds identical to what I did, so yes, send your admin (and FTP is possible) logins to support[at]jamroom[dot]net so that I can take a look.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
5 posts
Hi Paul,

I emailed you the information to the email you provided.

Coming back to the forum question. I set up the forum module in a way that it doesn't use one single username in the URL. The URL structure for a topic would be something like:

The main forum can be access at and this is simple a template that is overriding the options of the jrForum index.tpl file (my template is jrForum_index.tpl). If I do the same thing as you (create an admin user and give it a unique quota), would things still work?


10 years ago
4,335 posts
Have got the logins - Thanks (nice custom skin btw :-) )

I think the admin skin options are working as they should do. If, as a Master Admin, you go to an item create/update page it is seen in the selected ACP skin (Elastic). However, if a regular user creates/updates an item he will see the the form in the selected site skin, so has consistency.

From what I see, your forum page lists topics from all profile forums, which is fine, but any 'global' Ning discussions (those not associated with a Ning group) are imported to a single profile forum, the profile ID being defined in the NingImport configuration.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
5 posts
Hi Paul,

You're right that this is working but I was referring specifically to how the "Pages" module or "Page Creator" works. This module (jrPage I think), isn't doing the expected functionality. It throws everybody (admin and regular users) to the create/update page in Elastic and skips the custom skin. There's a few normal users on our setup and they all have the same password as the admin if you wanted to check this. It seems that perhaps this module is missing a check for a potential custom skin?

In regards to the profile forum, that makes sense. I'll create a user as you recommended and see how the data looks when its imported.

A follow up question on the import process. I noticed that Jamroom will send new password credentials to users as soon as they are imported. Is it possible to turn this off somewhere in the code? That way I could see how the data looks with all the users AND then send them an email (I see a function for that). If not, then I guess just turning off the mail component on the server is the best option?


10 years ago
4,335 posts
Yes, I see what you mean about the Page module now. Let me check that out.

Passwords are not sent as members are imported. There is a tool in the NingImport module at any time after the import so you can do final tests and tweaks after import before inviting your users to the new site.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
7,791 posts
hypnothoughts:....My second question is around the Pages module. When creating a normal user is creating a new page (non-admin), they get thrown into the Elastic theme even though I have another theme set as my active skin and profile skin. No other modules do this but this one does. I set up Elastic as the admin skin. Is there any way to stop this from happening?...

This was happening because the page module also has a link to the /page/create screen from the TOOLS tab in the admin area.

An update has been released for jrAdminSkin that now checks to see if user is an admin user before showing the admin skin. This fixes this issue for jrPage.

The changelog is here:

Update from the marketplace and you should be good to go.
10 years ago
5 posts
Hi Michael and Paul,

The update to jrAdminSkin fixed it! Thank you very much for the quick fix and for the clarifications on how the Ning import process.
