wants to move to jr, i know the new ning importer can import data but not jsons directly from ning...2.0 at least
would there be any way in the future to 'scrape" the site and create a json and import everything, jsons, datafiles, from 2.0 and 3.0
ive been banned from ning, but ning after 3 years still has done nothing on 3.0 for at least a year 1/2 or more say 'were almost done a 3.0 archiver"
but nothing ever gets updated...nothing
if you develop a wayto import the entire ning content from both 2.0 and 3.0 i bet ya everyone would be here in a heartbeat
is there any way in the future that a way can be developed to pull the data json and all off ning withoit having to wait for ning to never get aroundd to an exporter
it was a year ago they told me we should expectto hear about a 3.0 exporter 'soon" i asked if that meant days or weeks they have been saying for a year or more 'might not be weeks but will vbe soon i know its nearly done'
nearly done for ayear without even a beta version for beta testing being released?
i do not think ning has any plans on finishing 3.0
i do not think they have plans on movi ng people off 3.0 for a year or more
i think thet plan to take as many peoples money as long as anyones willing to pay, and when the last few arent enough to cover the cost of the last 3 employees answering the phones to say 'were working on it' there will just be a pre recorded 'we are no longer working on it, we are shutting down'
and everyones data will be lost
so... if theres a way to save them
move them without having to wait for ning 3.0 archiver wich may never ever happen, can we try?
we have a test site totaly jumpingat the chance to be a guinipig
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 08/18/15 09:14:39AM