Where are my groups after Ning import?

10 years ago
114 posts
Okay, I feel silly asking this, but I have watched all the videos and dug as deeply as possible and I am stumped.

Basically I need to edit my page I created http://restministriessunroomcom.jamroomhosting.com/groups to other have all the groups listed... or if there is a page already made, link to it.

I am hoping I will be able to also have some modules (most popular group, most recently active group, etc.). If this is a module feature can you point me in the right direction?
updated by @restmin: 05/21/15 12:08:37AM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
You are using Site Builder but have not built that page yet.
Set the layout you want then add 'widgets' to the panels. There's a widget that you can configure to list all groups.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
114 posts
got it! I wondered if they were hidden somewhere like the forums were under community profile. I am figuring out profiles and the way they work, but taking some time to know what was imported under community profile and what wasn't.
10 years ago
114 posts
got it! I wondered if they were hidden somewhere like the forums were under community profile. I am figuring out profiles and the way they work, but taking some time to know what was imported under community profile and what wasn't.

I had found that before, group discussions, group pages, and group support. so far, I don't see the listing of actual groups though. Maybe group support will have it. Site builder keeps getting stuck there and just keeps freezing up...
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Basically I need to edit my page I created http://restministriessunroomcom.jamroomhosting.com/groups to other have all the groups listed... or if there is a page already made, link to it.

Doesn't your site already have its (site)/group page where you can see all the groups?
I notice the page you are making has an "s" after /group, whereas on my site one goes to the (site)/group page (without the s) and sees all the groups in one place. I'm just wondering if that little 's' will cause an issue for you. Or maybe it's a site builder thing that doesn't matter and I know nothing about.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
114 posts
@strumelia -- and... ta da! Yes! that is what I was looking for. THANK YOU!! It only said groups because I couldnt find that page and so went ahead and put it into the menu bar.

Ok, I can breath for a minute. i never thought about removing that 's'

see? you are learning tons!
10 years ago
114 posts
okay, so next question... so I have group A and the owner is Maureen, but from the group page and Maureen's page when I click the "settings" button to edit the group owner, it just takes me back to the group page. I think Paul is getting tired of me bugging him. :) did you find any way to change group owners without having him have to do it by hand somehow?
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Not tired yet ;-) but don't understand the question.
Can you be more precise with what you are doing, and/or want to do?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
114 posts
Thx... I want to make myself (the admin profile) owner of all groups and then assign (original) owners as moderators.

Also, When one clicks on the group to get details about the group... I want to change image sizes.

This maybe a "for hire" job.

I want the bigger image (currently of the group "owner") to be the SIZE of the GROUP image and then feature a photo of the moderator(s) somewhere smaller.

I want the group itself emphasized rather than the moderator/owner.

This is one of those things that with the original purpose of JR may have served it well by featuring/emphasizing a band who started a group with a large photo, but for more community oriented websites many owners will want less emphasis on who BEGAN the group and not have group owner photos take up so much real estate on the group pages.

one of the downfalls of Ning that bugged many owners is that Member A would start a group but then Member A was group owner indefinitely. Every time anyone posted to this group the feed would say "Member C posted a comment on Member A's group GROUP NAME." It drove us nuts that we could NEVER change the group owner. So we either dealt with that person being group owner forever or deleted the group--and many of the group's had hundred of people who were ver active.

PS: Not sure how popular groups were in JR original features but the more options you give groups in the future, the more likely you can easily sway Ning users over. This will be a common issue for migrators needing to transfer group owners too. (FYI this week I have had issues getting into my Ning administration, members cannot login--says correct pw is invalid-- and they are getting 404 errors when posting comments. Ning is 'going down' It is like knowing the blue screen is about to pop up on your computer. Great marketing opp for JR!)
10 years ago
4,335 posts
There are no tools within the Group module to change their ownership. The BatchEdit module might be able to this - Will have to check, I've not used it yet!!
Bit confused about swapping profile/group image size, where are you seeing this? A few months ago, at the request of Ning migrants, we made groups less 'profile-centric' by taking out the side bar where all the owner info was. The whole suite of Group modules was developed for Ningsters, Jamroom didn't have groups before then.
If there are any more group features that you need (and that may be useful to other Ningsters) maybe you could detail them and sponsor their development?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
114 posts
@Paul, Thanks for checking on the batch edit module working for this. I definitely need all group owners changed over to my/community ownership. If this involves some extra work I have to pay you for I am happy to do so. It's essential to me. Plus, moderators will only have quotas with certain privileges now and it will confuse them to be "group owner" and yet not be able to do certain things (some group owners have taken liberties in the past that I want to be able to halt when necessary).

On the page for a certain group it looked to have a big ole photo of the moderator/owner and a small image of the group photo/logo.

I know you guys are jumping through a lot of hoops for us ex-nings. I am sure some days you wonder if it was opening a can of worms. LOL. We'll try to be nice worms though...
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Yes the business of never being able to change the 'owner/creator' of a Group in Ning has been a big PITA for years. And maybe you recall Paul, when you imported my Ning archive, i was missing about 8 Groups that stayed behind in my archive because the member who created them long ago had left my ning site and no longer had a profile...but their content was left behind, including their active Groups. Thus, you had to go in manually and somehow change those groups in my archive to be owned/created by me instead, and then you re-imported them and they fell under my profile and showed up nicely then. We will have to do this again when i do my 'go live' import soon. This same thing will occur with others who come from ning.
It would be GREAT if in JR going into the future we had the ability to change which profile 'owns' a group. It's incredibly problematic when a member creates a group that becomes active and popular...and then just leaves. For years now I have had my Ning network set up so that only I can create groups, partly because of that. Those few groups you had to transfer were about 5 years old, from before I had that setting in place.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Resty- keep remembering that most of the main pages of module content in JR don't have that 's' on the end either- yoursite.com/group, yoursite.com/profile, yoursite.com/audio, yoursite.com/event
even though you can have your top header menu links saying Groups, Events, Members, whatever....the links will still take you to yoursite.com/group, yoursite.com/event ....etc.
Glad I was able to spot that dastardly little 's' and help you out. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
114 posts
THANK YOU! I owe you a cup of caffeine!
10 years ago
114 posts
@strumelia - I started a new thread on group ownership here: https://www.jamroom.net/the-jamroom-network/forum/ning-to-jamroom/28440/how-to-change-group-ownership

would you be so kind to copy your comments over so future ex-nings can find them? I am hoping all my questions will help someone down the road...
