Adding a profile to my user (admin) account

10 years ago
114 posts
Before the move from Ning, I was advised here to make a profile in Ning called "Community" and this is where my main forums would end up then.

I am trying to find them.

But it appears the first step would be to merge the Community Profile/User with my User account so that "Community" would now be one of my profiles.

Am I following the steps correctly?

I have tried to figure out how to do this. When I logged in as admin to edit the Community profile, I tried updating the email to my email but it said it already exists.

I am using the UDemy video to go step by step, but first I think I need to figure out where my Community profile is and how to get it under my control without logging in and out.

If I am totally lost, or have missed a step, feel free to send me in the right direction.

Thank you!
updated by @restmin: 05/08/15 08:48:43PM
10 years ago
114 posts
ah ha! I found it. I think I am a bit lost on this. In Ning, I had a personal account, and an admin account, then I added a Community Account. I think here in JR, I really just need a personal account... and a "community/admin" account.

So I guess I still need a tip on how to combine the community to my admin account.
10 years ago
865 posts
when logged in as admin visit

updated by @garymoncrieff: 04/08/15 02:32:49PM
