I want to import all the uploaded videos that my mebers currently have on my ning site, and still allow all those videos to show and play in my new JR site. However, I'd like to prevent my members from uploading NEW videos directly to my site in the future, once we go live. I want to instead have them only add videos via Youtube or Vimeo from now on. But I don't want to take away the videos they will have that get imported from ning. Thus, I cannot just de-activate the video module on member profiles, because they wouldn't be able to see their old videos that are already uploaded and working.
I thought I'd be able to do this using the User/Profile Daily limits modules, and I'd simply set the daily video upload limit for members to 0, going into the future and that would prevent NEW videos from being uploaded.
But I now see the module doesn't allow me to set a zero as the limit- it has to be at least the number 1.
How else can I do this?
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 05/03/15 12:04:22AM