solved Group Discussion problem

White Agency
White Agency
10 years ago
204 posts
Just noticed that since I did the fresh import the group discussions don't have any replies even though they say they have.

Had this problem originally but I changed something in a module and the replies appeared but I can't remember what I did !!

updated by @white-agency: 05/08/15 01:39:24AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Make sure you have enabled the User Comments module AND you have gone into the "Quota Config" tab for the User Comments module and have allowed access to all quotas you want to allow commenting to.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
White Agency
White Agency
10 years ago
204 posts

I now remember un-ticking those - doh !

Thank you Brian !!!
