Ning to Jamroom - Step by Step Link is broken

10 years ago
114 posts
I am trying to locate the "Step by Step: Install on your own hosting" post that is in the green box on this page: ... The link to says "file not found." thought I'd see how far I could get. thanks!
updated by @restmin: 04/23/15 08:13:58AM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
It is too, sorry about that. Looks like the correct location is supposed to be the docs page:

Installing Jamroom is pretty straight forward. If your hosting company has Softaculous then its even simpler.

There is a video of installing via softaculous here:
Easy Install Jamroom 5 CMS into cPanel server

And if your host doesnt have that, then the basic steps are:
* download the jamroom package from here:
* un-zip that and upload it via FTP to your server.
* load the url in a web-browser
* (on your server) create a database
* enter the database details

and that should get you up and running. The first user you create is the admin user. From there you can install Ning stuff.

I'll get that link fixed up. Let us know if you have trouble anywhere or any questions. :)
10 years ago
114 posts
thank you! I just posted a question about estimating space regarding JR hosting. I am trying to decide between my VPS and having a dedicated hosting with you. Appreciate your help. If I go with JR hosting, I will likely just have you do it for me with the Ning transfer as well.
10 years ago
7,791 posts
I think the biggest plusses of Jamroom hosting are:
* its fast
* You get VIP PREMIUM support included (normally $29/month )
* You get all the modules/skins for free while hosted so its cheaper to get started.

If I'm being totally honest; reasons NOT to use Jamroom hosting:
* You have a very small site with very little traffic. Shared hosting can be had for less than the smallest Jamroom Hosting plans.
* You like doing server administration. You don't need a managed solution.
