I'm looking for feedback on whether the solution proposed below is the correct use-case for our need. [Maybe there is an easier way, and I just don't know it yet!]
Here is the situation.
We have members who have left the site (some for cause). However, the content they posted is still germane and we want it accessible to all users. Ditto for their profiles. What we don't want is for the user to be able to log back into the site, delete their content, or change it.
In NING, disabling the profile did not hide the user's content. However, in JamRoom, the corresponding control is to make the profile inactive. In JamRoom, making the profile inactive also nerfs its content, by design.* We need another solution.
*Note: there is a bug in the current design where this is not happening, however, they do intend to fix that. See @brian posts in: User Privacy Settings Don't Seem to Have Right Descriptions [https://www.jamroom.net/the-jamroom-network/forum/using-jamroom/25856/user-privacy-settings-dont-seem-to-have-right-descriptions].
Create a new Quota (let's call it "Suspended for Cause Quota")
Apply the following permissions:
- Activity Timeline - UNcheck all options and make item "Approval on Create and Update"
- Group Support - UNcheck all options and make item "Approval on Create and Update"
- Image Galleries - Check group by Gallery and Allowed on Profile, and make item "Approval on Create and Update"
- Image Support - Use default settings.
- NING Notes - UNcheck all options and make item "Approval on Create and Update"
- Page Creator - UNcheck all options and make item "Approval on Create and Update"
- Profile Blog - Check "Allow on Profile" and make item "Approval on Create and Update"
- Profile Events - UNcheck "Attending Button", check "Allowed on Profile" and make item "Approval on Create and Update"
- Profile Forum - Check "Allow Profile Forum" and UNcheck all other options.
- System Core - Use Default Settings.
- User Accounts - Uncheck all options, Sign-up Method = Admin Validation.
- User Comments - Check "Allowed on Profile", UNcheck all other options and make item "Approval on Create and Update"
- User Profile: Global - visible to everyone, UNcheck "Show Privacy Options".
- Video Support - Default Settings with "Approval on Create and Update"
- YouTube Support - Check "Allowed on Profile" and UNcheck all other options and make item "Approval on Create and Update".
Adjust Communication
via Admin > Tools > Profile
~ Change Profile Quota to "Suspended for Cause Quota"
~ Change Password
via Admin > Tools > Account
~ Confirm profile is in the Standard User group.
via Admin > Tools > Notifications
~ Change all radio buttons to "Do Not Notify"
Retain the Profile via Users > Profile Browser > Global Config
~ UNcheck "Disallow Profile Deletion"
updated by @asil: 04/26/15 11:28:29PM