solved Order by Last Updated (new comment) on Group Discussions

Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Debug does not work for me - puts everything in-line, not in a pop-up.

I think the template I am looking for is:


Line 11:
        {jrCore_list module="jrGroupDiscuss" order_by="_item_id numerical_desc" pagebreak="10" page=$_post.p pager=true}

If I want to order the display by when discussions are updated (which includes adding comments) I need to replace the

order_by="_item_id numerical_desc ...


order_by="insert_the_right_variable_here desc ...

What's the value for " insert_the_right_variable_here "?
 •  206KB

updated by @claygordon: 03/07/15 04:56:26PM
10 years ago
2,803 posts
You'll want to put the debug in the index_list.tpl file for the module.

Try: order_by="_updated desc"


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
I have a much different problem here - same URL problem as in jrForum on the home page in reverse: maybe.

URL for Groups:

Click on the top group (Startup Central)

Click on " View All "

There are no discussions.

Edit the URL to:

And there are now discussions - but they are not limited to the Startup Central Group.
updated by @claygordon: 02/04/15 10:50:00AM
10 years ago
2,803 posts
It should probably be like this:

We'll check it out.



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Douglas -

Thanks for taking a look at it. I have no idea where to begin figuring out a solution.
10 years ago
2,803 posts
In your modules/jrGroup/templates/item_detail.tpl change this:

<h3>Discussion Forum</h3> &nbsp; <strong><small><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$ndurl}/group_id={$item._item_id}">View All</a></small></strong>

to this:

<h3>Discussion Forum</h3> &nbsp; <strong><small><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$ndurl}/{$item._item_id}/{$item.discuss_title_url}">View All</a></small></strong>

Let me know if that fixes it.



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Douglas -

No. It did not. It ended up directing me to the following page:

which is a single discussion - see the screenshot.

And I have to admit I am still not getting the hang of the module hierarchy. I instinctively thought jrGroup, but jrGroupDiscuss.

But, I guess, this element is in each Group's page so it has to sit up one level above what happens within each discussion.

I have reverted the change if you go looking.
 •  372KB

updated by @claygordon: 02/04/15 05:31:05PM
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
This is still an important and outstanding issue for me. I'd like to get it wrapped up.

10 years ago
2,803 posts
You know, I just checked this on my dev site and I'm not seeing any issues. The View All link works as it should and the list on the profile index page all link to the correct discussion.

Try changing your group module URL back to group and see if it works for you then. It may have something to do with that.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
10,149 posts
This URL:

should be working - it's the correct URL. For example - if you go here:

and click on "View All" you see the (one) post in the group.

So something else here is keeping the discussion group topics from showing.

Have you customized the jrGroupDiscuss/templates/item_index.tpl file?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Douglas -

I made the change back to " group "
Reset caches
Still landing on an empty page

On Profile, select Group from menu:
On Groups page, select Group:
On selected Group, click all:

This page is empty.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah we can see that from here. The URL is correct though, so we need to figure out what is keeping the posts from showing. Are the posts to be found anywhere on the site? Or are they missing everywhere?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts

Have you customized the jrGroupDiscuss/templates/item_index.tpl file?

Ahhhhhhh. A close look sees syntax error on the order_by - using non-existent names for things.

— instead of –

The first is shift-option-underscore the second is option-underscore. Depending on the editor and browser you are using these get rendered identically.

Fixed. Works. Closing this down.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Sounds like Safari ... I have problems with cut and paste from Safari since it also changes double quotes to be "tilted" double quotes (not sure what they are called) - but they are NOT the right double quotes.

Glad it is fixed.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Brian -

I have pretty much deprecated Chrome for daily work, even though GMail works better in Chrome. I am bopping back and forth between Firefox and Safari to test things (multiple user accounts in different quotas), doing most (but not all) of my behind the scenes work in Firefox, but some in Safari.

Two different monitors ... little things can be hard to spot.

