I'd like to ask how to do the following-
I notice that when I am in my Forums section, I can do a Forum search for a term and all the discussions or posts with that term will pop up (not just the forum discussion TITLE including the term). It searches through all forum categories while doing this.
But when I'm in my Groups section, the Group search function seems way more limited. I punch in a term in the Group Search search box, it only produces results of GROUP NAMES that contain the term. No search results are given for the many disucssions within groups. All I get is a search on Group Names.
How can I fix this to enable people to search for subjects and discussions WITHIN Groups? Am i missing something?
Searching group names only is not terribly useful..members are usually looking for a group discussion about a certain subject.
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 04/29/15 04:57:52AM