solved More weirdness - missing blog post

Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
New blog post shows up in the Activity timeline.

Clicking on the link to the blog post in activity timeline:

Takes me to:

And there is no indication that the blog exists on that page.

The blog is NOT listed in the list of recent blog posts on the home page.

There is no blog with an ID of 609 in the datastore. How is that possible?

What's going on? These things appeared to be working properly on Sunday -- but stopped working on Monday.

I am completely confused about why
updated by @claygordon: 03/27/15 10:29:59PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Maybe your user created the blog then deleted it. Deleted items do not get removed from the timeline.
Searching for "Cocoa Bean Quality" yields no results implying that this is the case.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
There is an entry in the timeline datastore browser (id 532)

action_item_id: 609
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
I have sent an email off to the member who created the blog post asking her if she deleted it.

On a related note, while trying to find out what's going on ... does site-wide search include blogs? It didn't group discussions until I added the discuss_description field to the search global config. The member (landen-z) has created 30+ blogs but they do not show up in the search results:
10 years ago
4,335 posts
There is an entry in the timeline datastore browser (id 532)

action_item_id: 609

As I said, item actions don't get deleted if the item is deleted.

Yes - Blogs are includes in searches -

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
But why are they not displayed when I search on a member name?
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Because you a searing for a member name. Unless the member name is included in the blog title (or text?) members' blogs won't show.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
This does not make sense. If am in site-wide search (not member search) and search for an arbitrary string that turns out to be a member name I would like to know everything they have participated in.

To make this work I need to add whatever the blog_creator name field is to search? Same for images?
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Maybe I'm mis-understanding, but if a search result yielded a member that had 100s of uploaded items and participated in 100s of discussions, you want to see all of them?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts

The number of items displayed is/should be controlled by a variable in a template (I forget which one - Brian told me where it was but I don't have my changelog open), but that number is displayed in the url

The number 10 in the above URL says display up to 10 items with an Browse all link. That behavior can be seen here:
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Maybe your user created the blog then deleted it. Deleted items do not get removed from the timeline.
Searching for "Cocoa Bean Quality" yields no results implying that this is the case.

Paul -

They did delete the blog post.

Given the other problems I have been having with the timeline feed I had to ask if these were related in any way.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
So you want to be able to show more than 10?
You can add a pagebreak option to the search call in the template. I think you brought that up the other day and we told you how to do it.
Or am I confused again with what you are asking ?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Paul -

What I want to do, when I search on the string "landen" which just happens to be a user name, is to see where the string Landen appears.

I find a profile (or account) with that string in it.
I find a single group discussion created by Landen Zernickow.

What I did not find was the 33 blog posts she created.

I looked at the Discussion and "Landen" is in the body of the discussion as well as in the created_by field. However in the blogs, "Landen" is only in the created_by field.

What I WANT to be able to do here is to show EVERYTHING Landen has created (paged by 10, which I have set).

HOWEVER, in looking at the DataStore Browser for the Profile Blog module I don't see a creator name. So I can't add that db field to Search because it does not exist.

Is this possible to do?
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Paul -

We are now off-topic. Should I close this one as the basic issue has been resolved and start up the search question in a new topic so others who are interested can follow along?

:: Clay
10 years ago
10,149 posts
What I did not find was the 33 blog posts she created.

If "landen" is not in the blog_title or blog_body, it will not be found by search.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
I see that.

The questions are "can you help me understand why this decision was made" and "can I make it happen on my site if I want to"?
10 years ago
10,149 posts
I see that.

The questions are "can you help me understand why this decision was made" and "can I make it happen on my site if I want to"?

This decision was made because:

- Searching for "Landen" will bring up a Profile result for "landen" - for those users that want to see everything by Landen they can go there (I'm assuming if someone wants to see all 36 of landen's blogs, then that is what they need to pick)

- since "profile_name" is a key that is part of the Profile module (not the blog module) it can't be searched as part of a Blog Search.

This is just the way it is designed. I would worry that making the search broader ultimately renders the search less useful. We can of course modify the module if this is something users really want, but so far you are the first to bring it up.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 02/03/15 10:15:08AM
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Brian -

It's more that search results behave very differently when the only result is a member name.

For example, here's a search on "cocoa"

That finds results in many modules, including blogs. I understand why, now, but it might lead people to think that there's nothing there or that something is broken.

The larger discussion about it being less useful is not for this thread. But it is something I want to take up with the team, so I will follow up later on this. (Prior to getting into chocolate this was one area of considerable professional experience.)
10 years ago
10,149 posts
For example, here's a search on "cocoa"

That finds results in many modules, including blogs. I understand why, now, but it might lead people to think that there's nothing there or that something is broken.

I just ran that and see results though - am I misunderstanding what you're looking for?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Brian -

It's the difference between what I see when the search finds (just) a user name:

The search for Renee did not return any of the images or the blog.


finds users with cocoa in the name and more.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
All searches are run identically - this:

is handled identically to this:

BOTH will find items and profile names with "renee" and "cocoa" in their search fields. But your 2nd and 3rd are looking for "renee" in the gallery and blog keys. If there were pictures or blog posts with "renee" in them they would show.

I think you know what I mean, I just want to be clear the two "all" searches are run the same - "cocoa" is not being treated different than "renee".

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
What's happening is the the search on

does not return what's found in the results of the search within the modules.

So, I have to go to the profile and click around to find stuff.

Related to searching, but off-topic: I notice the search for renee is also missing a member whose name is ReneeJR - any way to make this a substring match %renee%?
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Related to searching, but off-topic: I notice the search for renee is also missing a member whose name is ReneeJR - any way to make this a substring match %renee%?

It already works that way, so it should be found. Does the profile have an image?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
No. Okay. I need to really push on members to upload images or they will not show up.

This includes the activity timeline too, right?
10 years ago
10,149 posts
No. Okay. I need to really push on members to upload images or they will not show up.

This includes the activity timeline too, right?

It will include any page that is on your SITE - i.e. a "skin" page. It does not affect profiles.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
