Ning Json

10 years ago
75 posts
So I've been told that I'm missing the Ning json files so I can build a Ning menu and front page. Have no clue what that means *lol* but Soaring Eagle says it's missing. Help?
updated by @kos: 03/06/15 01:26:53PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
No, I'm not sure what that means either !!
The Ning json files are part of the Ning archive and not needed to build front pages or menus. There are json files associated with Site Builder though so maybe its something to do with that? Sorry, I can't be any more specific as I've not used SB in any great depth yet. Maybe Michael or someone else will chip in here.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
75 posts
I was chatting with him and mentioned it strange I had no way to members so + add a new post from the home page. I've added a few lists and HTML there but there is no + other than on profile pages. He thought that was the possibly the problem.

Even having trouble locating 'how to delete a profile'. LOL I've never felt so unskilled before. I'm sure one day I'll wake up and "get it" but that day hasn't come yet.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Even having trouble locating 'how to delete a profile'. LOL I've never felt so unskilled before. I'm sure one day I'll wake up and "get it" but that day hasn't come yet.

There are 2 ways to delete a profile:

- when viewing the profile you want to delete (as an admin user) click on the "trash can" icon to the far right of their profile name

- as a master admin, go to ACP -> Users -> Profile Browser and you can search/delete there.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
75 posts
Brian my apologies. Got it (thank you) but what have I done wrong that my home page does not have a + to add new forum posts? I know I messed with the layout and added some lists and HTML, but I must have checked a box somewhere and other than what I've added, it's just a blank slate.

Yes, stupid question. I'm going thru the documentation pages again. Obviously I missed a lot or just didn't retain enough the first time.
10 years ago
95 posts
Hello Brian and company! I struggled between Jamroom and Ning. Sorry to say, but buying all the modules I did along with hosting, and I am sorely disappointed so far. Ning offered a lot more options like a forum that everyone could see and use, chat, common blog, etc. You could attach files to your responses. I'm using this for a songwriter collaboration site, and it's a struggle so far. The newest members list on the front page doesn't work. Neither does the newest audio list--it's blank even though I uploaded songs. Oh, and I can't put my audio uploads in order like in Ning. And talk about slow. Sorry to be such a downer about this, but I really am disappointed. I would have liked to simply and privately express my issues to Brian, but I can't even figure out how to contact him. And I'm wondering, since I haven't bought the support, will this even post when I get done writing it. I guess I'll see. Well it posted. And I can update it. Wish I had a forum like this on my site. Maybe I can, if I can figure out how to do it. I know I haven't given this much of a chance yet, but even my whole three users are already having problems using the system. Argh!
updated by @davej56: 02/02/15 05:20:51PM
10 years ago
95 posts
Thanks Curtis for the help and information. If Arvixe is so slow, why is Jamroom recommending it? I bought a two-year plan, expecting it to work well. Now I feel stuck with a slug. What a bummer this has started out to be. I hope something changes to make this worth trusting in, again.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Hello Brian and company! I struggled between Jamroom and Ning. Sorry to say, but buying all the modules I did along with hosting, and I am sorely disappointed so far. Ning offered a lot more options like a forum that everyone could see and use, chat, common blog, etc. You could attach files to your responses. I'm using this for a songwriter collaboration site, and it's a struggle so far. The newest members list on the front page doesn't work. Neither does the newest audio list--it's blank even though I uploaded songs. Oh, and I can't put my audio uploads in order like in Ning. And talk about slow. Sorry to be such a downer about this, but I really am disappointed. I would have liked to simply and privately express my issues to Brian, but I can't even figure out how to contact him. And I'm wondering, since I haven't bought the support, will this even post when I get done writing it. I guess I'll see. Well it posted. And I can update it. Wish I had a forum like this on my site. Maybe I can, if I can figure out how to do it. I know I haven't given this much of a chance yet, but even my whole three users are already having problems using the system. Argh!

Hi Dave
Sorry you are having these issues. Everything you want Jamroom to do that you listed above can be done fairly easily. You just need to understand how Jamroom works a bit more. For instance, Jamroom is 'profile-centric' meaning that 'everything' is owned by a profile. This 'global' forum is, in fact, a regular Jamroom profile forum owned by the profile 'the-jamroom-network' (look at its URL) so all you would need to do is create a profile called 'forum' or 'community', say, and make that your global forum.
Point us to you Jamroom site and let us help you get it how you want it. Post questions here on the forum so all Jamroom users can help, or to our support at support[at] jamroom[dot] net. All support tickets will get answered whether you have paid support or not. The difference is that paid support tickets get priority.
Presumably you are using Arvixe for hosting? Yes, their servers are proving to be pretty slow in reality and not like they were when we tested them and subsequently recommended them as hosts. We are in discussion with them trying to remedy the situated and are also currently making plans for other 'guaranteed' hosting options which will be announced soon.
So please stick with your Jamroom site a bit longer and let us all help. I'm sure that you'll soon understand Jamroom more, and what it can do, just as other Ning migrants have done.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
75 posts
No, I'm not sure what that means either !!
The Ning json files are part of the Ning archive and not needed to build front pages or menus. There are json files associated with Site Builder though so maybe its something to do with that? Sorry, I can't be any more specific as I've not used SB in any great depth yet. Maybe Michael or someone else will chip in here.

Paul Soaring Eagle says that theres a json file that's not part of the ning archive but part of the sitebuilder that builds the ning-like menu and homepage.
10 years ago
2,803 posts
Do you have a panel folder in your skins/jrNingja folder?

If so, then you probably already have the json file, you can go to your ACP > Site Builder > Panels > Tools > Import and install the panels for Ningja.

If you don't have that folder, then it should be coming in the next jrNingja release.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
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