it seems like i have 2 of every photo as i'm going through featuring them searching might not be every photo but a whole lot of them theres 2 of them
the photos in the archive were as big or bigger then the music archives so if theres 2 its taking up a whole lot more spaqce then id like
also the editor button doesnt work i did het the adobe credentials set up im pretty sure right but clicking the edit photo does nothing
ok i see whats going on
1 imported as the gallery name 1 as the image title name
the title fields blank on 1
and thats the 1 that imported in as the title name
i believe in every case when i featured them i featured the 1 that had no title in the title feild
is there something that can be done about this to clean it up and free up at least 90 gigs?
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 03/10/15 11:25:02PM