Process for multi-profile accounts

Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
By default, I have the "power user" feature - multiple profiles for an account - off.

But already, I have a request to do this. I am just looking for a best practices approach. I don't plan to charge for the service at this point. However, I may create a quota that includes Domain Mapping, multiple-profiles, the ability to create private pages and groups and charge for that.

Here's the current situation.

One member of the company already personal account on the system. The account owner's business partner wants to create a "company account." My idea is to merge the two profiles under a single account.

I was thinking of handling it the following way:

Clone a new quota from a quota that has the requisite entitlements - and call it, say, Multi - that did not allow signups but had the power user feature enabled.

The business partner would create a new account and profile and then I would assign that account to the Multi Quota. I then need to go and assign the other profile to that account.

Am I missing something? Is this the wrong way to do this? Is there a better way to do this?

:: Clay
updated by @claygordon: 03/10/15 11:14:10PM
10 years ago
7,793 posts
You can just add a new profile from the ACP and link the account to that if you like.

Create a new profile is:

Then link account is:
ACP -> PROFILES -> USER PROFILE -> TOOLS -> link user accounts

To link the existing user to the profile.
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Michael -

Okay. But I am a little confused by this. My confusion may stem from the fact that I understand the relationship backwards?

From the Docs page on the module:

- Connected to the jrUser module in a 1:many relationship.
- Any single person on a JR5 site will have 1 user account, however they may have more than 1 profile.
- In a music website example this would be one band member being a member of many bands.
- Or a band manager managing many bands.

I was thinking it would be one entity (a company) with more than one employee, not a person working for more than one company.

In the above scenario, the two employees would have to share the same login and then each would manage their respective profile each with its own set of private notes. If this is right, which profile would they go to when they log in? The first one created?
10 years ago
7,793 posts
nup, you just confused me.

You've seen this right:

"Concepts the Admin user needs to know."

And here on there is me who is both:

I only have 1 user account but have 3+ profiles. Im the only one to have /michael but /site-builder and /the-jamroom-network also have @paul @brian and @doug as users connected to those accounts.


are all in the same quota, it doesnt have much stuff
/the-jamroom-network is in a quota by itself and


Are all in the same quota as sub-projects of jamroom.
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Michael -

The video you reference does not talk about the relationship between accounts and profiles and your description is a little confusing to me.

You have one account with three profiles. /site-builder is a profile under your account but you have linked /paul etc, to the profile, not to the account. Right?

So for a company to work:

Each employee of the company would have its own account and a profile for them as a person. I would then add a second profile (say, with the company name) to one of the accounts (as specified by the company) and then put the "shared" profile into a quota and assign it a special constellation of privileges - including the ability to have multiple profiles.

I would then link all of the other employee profiles to the shared profile.


--- edited to add ---

Each member has the option to post to their profile or to the shared profile and what shows up where depends on how I allocate the constellation of privileges in quota config, which is, for all intents and purposes, a very fine-grained ACL.
updated by @claygordon: 01/26/15 06:47:59AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
I think what you've outlined there is correct, but the basic idea is:

- each user should have their own profile (known as their "home profile")
- you can then:
1) as the admin create a new profile and assign as many users to it as you want - or -
2) if the users are in a Quota that has "Power User" privileges, they can create the additional profile themselves.
either way they can "admin" the profile as if it was their own.

- if you want multiple users on a SINGLE profile, you can assign the users to the profile then delete their home profile

I think the important thing to understand is that a "User Account" and a "User Profile" are 2 separate things - both can exist in your system without the other (although MOST of the time is going to be a 1 to 1 relationship).

So you can have multiple user accounts on ONE profile, or multiple profiles tied to ONE user account.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts

Thanks for the clarification.

I am planning to do this as a manual process at least to start, and I will be putting "company profiles" into a separate quota that will add the Groups, Pages, FAQs, (maybe Memos, too) and profile tweaks to the shared profile. I will then manually link profiles to that shared profile. That quota will not have power-user privileges to begin with. Maybe eventually.

My plan, once I get this tested and operational, is to charge an annual subscription fee for that quota.

I don't plan to delete the original profile as I want each individual to have their own identity separate from the company. I think. What happens when I un-link a profile from another profile? Does the added content become un-linked as well?
10 years ago
10,149 posts

Thanks for the clarification.

I am planning to do this as a manual process at least to start, and I will be putting "company profiles" into a separate quota that will add the Groups, Pages, FAQs, (maybe Memos, too) and profile tweaks to the shared profile. I will then manually link profiles to that shared profile. That quota will not have power-user privileges to begin with. Maybe eventually.

My plan, once I get this tested and operational, is to charge an annual subscription fee for that quota.

I don't plan to delete the original profile as I want each individual to have their own identity separate from the company. I think. What happens when I un-link a profile from another profile? Does the added content become un-linked as well?

Well, profiles are never linked - just user accounts and profiles, so I think you mean what happens when you unlink a user from a profile? All the items created FOR that profile still show.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Account A - member_profile shared_company_profile
Account B - member_profile

If I create a "shared, company" profile in account A and assign the member profile in account B to that profile, what happens when I un-assign it?

I want separate logins for each account. As I think I understand things now, all profiles in the same account have the same login.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
No - there is never any shared user accounts in Jamroom. Like I mention above:

you can have multiple user accounts on ONE profile, or multiple profiles tied to ONE user account.

There is still a misunderstanding here:
If I create a "shared, company" profile in account A and assign the member profile in account B

You cannot assign one profile to another profile. Profiles and users are always "stand alone" but can be linked together.

If you have:

User Account A -> Home Profile A and Shared Company Profile A
User Account B -> Home Profile B

You can assign User Account B to the Shared Company Profile A. "Home Profile B" cannot be assigned to Shared Company Profile A.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
That does help. If I "unassign" User Account B to Shared Company Profile A, all of the shared content is also dis-associated?
10 years ago
10,149 posts
That does help. If I "unassign" User Account B to Shared Company Profile A, all of the shared content is also dis-associated?

If you remove User Account B from Shared Company Profile A, they will no longer have access to the profile. However it will NOT delete items created by User Account B that were created under the Shared Company Profile A profile.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
