closed Selling digital downloads for fun and profit

Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Just confirming ...

I can use FoxyCart to create a premium membership level where the Quota config includes the File Downloads module as well as the PayPal module.

I make money by selling the subscription and my members make money on the downloads they sell. I get the revenue from FoxyCart and my members get 100% (less fees) from what they sell via their PayPal accounts.

This is the only combination if I want to make some money off my members' selling stuff.

updated by @claygordon: 02/19/15 09:12:52AM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
If you are using FoxyCart for subscriptions, you could also use it for profile sales as well. No need for the PayPal module.
With that setup, you could also (if you wanted) take a cut of their sales as well, maybe instead of subscriptions. The choice is yours.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
7,793 posts
thechocolatelife:...This is the only combination if I want to make some money off my members' selling stuff....

only is not correct.

One method (as you described):
"I make money by selling the subscription and my members make money on the downloads they sell. I get the revenue from FoxyCart and my members get 100% (less fees) from what they sell via their PayPal accounts."

Another method:
"I make money by giving subscriptions away for free and my members make money on the downloads they sell. I get all the revenue from FoxyCart then payout to my members the percentage set in their Quota (less fees). I payout at the determined interval to their PayPal accounts. I allow members the option to purchase a different subscription to lower their per sale fees in exchange for a /month fee."

quota 1:
* can sell downloads
* get to keep 75% of the sale (after processing fees)
* cost per month $0
* payout on the 1st of every month.

quota 2:
* can sell downloads
* get to keep 95% of the sale (after processing fees)
* cost per month $10
* payout on the 1st and 15th of every month.

Or any other variation you can think of.
