iFrame and Tables

10 years ago
558 posts
Jamroom (using Ningja skin) does not support iFrame or tables, in blogs, pages, etc. Will it at some time?
updated by @isleander: 03/15/15 08:59:34AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Jamroom (using Ningja skin) does not support iFame or tables, in blogs, pages, etc. Will it at some time?

Jamroom supports iFrames - you need to make sure you've installed the iFrame Control module:


since iFrames are very insecure by default they do not work in Jamroom. The iFrame control module allows you to add "trusted" domains that will be allowed to have an iFrame on your site.

After install you also want to make sure you allow "iframe" in your Allowed HTML tags in your Core -> Quota Settings.

Then you can manually add an iframe where needed. Note that there is no "iframe" button in the WYSIWYG editor, so for now it would need to manually be added in. We recently modularized how custom plugins for the WYSIWYG editor works, so I will see if TinyMCE has an iframe control for their editor and see if it could be added in as part of the iFrame control module.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
558 posts
I have iframe-control and have http://youtube.com as a valid domain, and quota set up for all users, but when I paste an iFrame code into a blog or page it does not save it.

updated by @isleander: 01/18/15 09:01:02AM
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
You need to add iframe to the list of allowed HTML and you can do it just for your member Quota to restrict it to you. If the embed string also contains "src" add that to your list of allowed HTML.

I had this same issue with javascript code inside one of my templates that I did not want to be parsed by Smarty.

If you have some javascript inside your iFrame, try surrounding it with {literal} {/literal}. But the first step is to make sure iframe is allowable HTML.
10 years ago
558 posts

You need to add iframe to the list of allowed HTML

Thanks - Yes I have done all of that, but it still does save the code. Not sure what else I need to do?
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts

You need to add iframe to the list of allowed HTML

Thanks - Yes I have done all of that, but it still does save the code. Not sure what else I need to do?

I did not see it in the screen shot you provided ... if none of this helps it's beyond my understanding to troubleshoot.
10 years ago
558 posts
No, but I have now. Not sure if it has something to do with the Validation?
updated by @isleander: 01/18/15 09:54:19AM
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
I don't know. Could be. It will only take a few seconds to try it out and see.
10 years ago
558 posts
With validation on - I get the massage "This iFrame is not allowed". Even though I have YouTube (iFrame source) as a permitted domain.
With it off - the code is not saved.
So not sure exactly where to go with this.
10 years ago
558 posts
Sorted it.. I had to use "www.youtube.com" not "http://youtube.com"
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
http is not in your list of allowed HTML tags ... might want to see if that's the issue.
10 years ago
75 posts
Going back to isleander's original question: Will tables be supported down the line? I would like to have the ability to use them for a political website.
10 years ago
2,803 posts
I have iframe-control and have http://youtube.com as a valid domain, and quota set up for all users, but when I paste an iFrame code into a blog or page it does not save it.


In your allowed list, make sure your just using youtube.com, you don't want the http:// part in it.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
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